View Full Version : Hook tools

Peter Blair
04-11-2015, 10:39 AM
Just wondering if there is anyway to use a hook tool in a captured system?
Has anyone had any experience? I often hollow end grain and have seen videos of hook tools in action but all I can find are hand held.

Ralph Lindberg
04-11-2015, 11:33 AM
I'm not certain how that would work, I use hooks from some end-grain and some face-work (mostly with the treadle lathe).

Hilel Salomon
04-11-2015, 12:09 PM
I haven't bought any, but Hilton handiworks sells hook tool inserts and I imagine that you could use them on reticulated systems or systems like the Jameson one.

David Delo
04-11-2015, 12:30 PM
The Carter Hollow Roller system has a 5/8" bar hook tool as an accessory. I've used it a couple times for some HF's with just shy of 1.5" openings and it has worked fine.

Thom Sturgill
04-11-2015, 4:21 PM
You might also try the termite unhandled. I did a test with endgrain walnut and compared the hook tool to a number of options including a normal HSS tip, a berger tool, a termite, a hunter style carbide, a scraper and a regular gouge. I turned a 3" endgrain box blank about 1/2" deep with each tool, then cut it off for a presentation I did for my club.

The only problem with the hunter was rounded corners in the box shape. The termite was also very clean as was the hook tool.
I had some tearout with the scraper, but not too bad.
The HSS cutter, the Berger, and the gouge all had unacceptable tearout.

Using 1/4" drill rod to make the hooks, I should be able to mount them in my boring bar. Offsets will compensate for the angle that I would hold the handheld tool. That is something I will do later this spring.

robert baccus
04-11-2015, 11:03 PM
Been using a Woodcut Pro form Cutter head on a handmade control arm for 20+ years. The advantage to it is it has a limiter like a safety razor. Never had a catch and I do mostly HF and vases to 20"+ deep. Cuts faster than any other hollowing tool and is very adjustable for hard or green wood. I can't imagine hollowing any other way. Just sold 5 funeral urns this month(way above average).