View Full Version : Laguna Ceramic guides on MM S400P

Kieran Kammerer
04-08-2015, 8:42 AM
My s400P shipped with the Carter guides a little over a year ago. Emailed MM regarding availability of the European guides that I understand is now an option. Unfortunately I have never heard back. I find the Carter guides to be a pain to adjust. Has anyone her switched over to the Laguna Ceramic guides? If so, worth the switch? Thanks in advance for any input.

Bernie May
04-08-2015, 9:18 AM
I agree about the difficulty with the Carter guides shipped with the MM saws. I would have liked to try the European guides that used to ship with the saws. If you ever hear about how to get them, let me know. I am not interested in switching to the ceramic guides at this point.

jerry cousins
04-08-2015, 10:28 AM
i started out with euro guides on my mm16 - then i switched to carters but like others found them very cumbersome to setup. so i got a set of laguna ceramics -they are great. i use the saw with a 1" carbide resaw king blade strictly for cutting veneers. the laguna guides provide very solid blade support - are easy to adjust - and don't seem to wear much. high recommendation from me.

Kieran Kammerer
04-08-2015, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I am interested in other's experience. Sounds like there may be some Carter guides up on the classified list soon. I will let you know if I learn anything Bernie.

john lawson
04-08-2015, 6:13 PM
I have a 24" Centauro with Carter guides. I switched over to the Laguna ceramics and I love them

Kieran Kammerer
07-02-2015, 5:40 PM
Hi Jerry,

I just got a set of the laguna ceramics in the mail. Looks like with the set I got, the post hole opening in the lower guides is much larger than the post on the S400P lower guides. Could you post a picture?



Mike Heidrick
07-02-2015, 6:30 PM
http://myplace.frontier.com/~unix888/lagunaceramicguideinstallonminimaxmm20replacingthe originalbearingguides

I made that site showing how I installed my ceramic guides on my MM20.

Kieran Kammerer
07-02-2015, 7:05 PM
Hi Mike,

Thanks. I saw that post earlier. Unfortunately the saw came with the Carter guides installed and the bottom post is different from yours. The shaft coming off the elongated bracket the bolt goes through is 11mm in diameter. I think I will have to get a short piece of aluminum turned down to 20mm and then have an 11 mm hole drilled in the backside to take the post on the original bracket. I will attach a photo if I can.


Mike Heidrick
07-02-2015, 10:53 PM
Why not just get the correct ceramic guides sent from laguna.

Kieran Kammerer
07-03-2015, 8:28 AM
When I ordered them, I did not see an option for different models/versions. I will try to give them call and see what they can do. Thanks

jerry cousins
07-03-2015, 8:36 PM
hi kieran - just saw this thread again - here's a pic of the lower laguna guide - on my mm16 (older generation).
sorry if the pic is sideways. did you get your setlup figured out?

Kieran Kammerer
07-03-2015, 8:52 PM
Hi Jerry,
Thanks. The newer S400P has a different bracket for the carter guide. I ordered some 20 mm circular aluminum stick with I think I will drip and tap. I think I can then cut threads on the bracket I have and screw it on....time will tell. Thanks, Kieran