View Full Version : Writing Tool

Lee Watermann
04-04-2015, 11:37 PM
For small lettering on the bottom of bowls what is the preferred instrument being used? I can't find one I like.

Glen Blanchard
04-05-2015, 12:25 AM
I'm partial to a little woodburning.

Jack Mincey
04-05-2015, 7:52 AM
I use a burner on all my bowls and HF's, but use a fine tip pen made for scrap booking on my turkey calls and small items. One can write very neatly with them and the ink will not bleed when one applies finish even lacquer. The scrap book pen is also much cheaper than buying a good burning set up.

Thom Sturgill
04-05-2015, 8:17 AM
I use a burner on most everything. I also have a dremel engraver that I occasionally use on things like black walnut. When using the engraver I fill the lettering with a wax marker in a lighter color or metallic.

Roger Chandler
04-05-2015, 8:18 AM
I use the Colwood Cub unit with fine tip writing pen.......this is a burning unit, and if one is mostly doing signature on the bottoms is all you need, but other burning pens can be used with it.

Bill Blasic
04-05-2015, 8:32 AM
I use the Sakura Pigma Micron which is archival ink that has not been affected by any finish I use. I use the #8 size as the tip lasts longer than the smaller ones. On very dark pieces I use a trick learned for Cindy Drozda and that is to use a vibrating tool and then infill your signature with a gold or silver paint stick. If my penmanship was better I could possibly use a burner but as of now if I burn it is pretty unreadable.

charlie knighton
04-05-2015, 10:10 AM
on oiled natural wood I use a Zig pen, on painted surfaces I just chose a different color of paint