View Full Version : April Fools in the UK reaches a new low

Hilton Ralphs
04-01-2015, 1:16 AM
This 1/4 joke shouldn't catch even the thickest government official let alone mere mortals.





Courtesy of Axminster (http://goo.gl/9X6xQy).

Kent A Bathurst
04-01-2015, 2:03 AM
OK - he gets some points:

1] Titebond Green. Too funny.
2] The AP-01 cutter. I assume LV will be shortly be offering this new metallurgy as an option in plane irons? I will wait until I read Derek's review.

Dan Hintz
04-01-2015, 6:28 AM
The scary part is, there's nothing stopping the "technology" from working. If the curl is still attached, no reason it won't roll back down with some heat/glue. Granted, it won't be a perfect piece after, but it's cute nonetheless...

george wilson
04-01-2015, 7:44 AM
I liked it!!

Al Launier
04-01-2015, 7:54 AM
I really have to get one of those! Just want to stay ahead of the curve, or is it curl?

Stew Denton
04-01-2015, 10:38 PM

I don't know. I am very concerned that if I bought one of those things, and we later found out that they had broken the patent laws, violating "White Outs" patents, they might force me to give the plane back, and I would be out a lot of money that could have very well have been used on Stanley 608 Bedrock plane.

If you are considering buying one, I would sure check out the patent rights.


Andrew Kertesz
04-02-2015, 2:26 AM
I think in this case it is BEHIND the curl....:D

Tony Zaffuto
04-02-2015, 5:18 AM
Seriously, this is very old Stanley technology! Remember the tiny Stanley plane-like tool that would roll up a sliver so you could insert a brad underneath, and then glue the sliver down? Believe LV has made an update to the tool.

Give the Brits some credit for a very decent attempt at humor!

William Adams
04-02-2015, 4:48 PM
I looked, but apparently no Lee Valley 1 April product this year?

Noah Wagener
04-11-2015, 1:03 PM
I fell for this one: http://www.rpwoodwork.com/blog/2015/04/01/new-steel-expected-to-change-woodworking/