View Full Version : That'll make you think about things....

Scott Shepherd
03-31-2015, 1:52 PM
Had a customer ask if we could engrave a "burial box" he had made for his Dad. Basically just a box for the ashes that's sealed up and can't be opened. I told him we could do it, he stopped by with the artwork already done (gotta love customers that know Photoshop and Illustrator), and he shows me all the layouts, etc. Then he says "By the way, my Dad is in the box, so be careful with him. I hope that's not too creepy for you". No problem. He leaves and says "Take care of my Dad, he'd love this place, he loved working with his hands making things".

We have a chime on our front door that is motion activated. It's been there for 3 or 4 years I guess. That way we know when customers come in and we are in the shop working.

Yesterday, the chime goes off twice in a row, like 2 people just walked in. We went to the front and there's no one there. Open the front door, not a person or car in sight. We have vacant spaces on both sides of us, so we are by ourselves. Interesting....that's the first time that's ever happened.

One of the guys commented "I think it's the guy in the box", and we chuckled and said "Must have been".

Last night, it's about 7:30 and I'm working, the front door is locked and I'm here by myself. I'm running the laser and I hear the door chime go off. I figured someone had left something here and had stopped back by to get it. I get up, walk into the other room, there's no one there. I walk over to the door and look at the latch and it's clearly locked.

Keep in mind, this is a motion activated chime!

The customer called today to check on the progress and I told to come get it, he was playing tricks on us, and explained the story. He busted out laughing and said "That's my Dad! He loved playing tricks on people".

At least we'll have a fun story to tell for a while now :)

Mike Troncalli
03-31-2015, 2:36 PM
That is definitely something to think about...

Since you started the tread, guess I'll tell mine..

About 10 years ago my oldest sister passed away. 2 - 3 days later her daughter and granddaughter (4 years old). She was reading to her daughter in bed when she felt like someone was in the room watching them but didn't say anything. Right then her daughter looked up towards the end of the bed and said Hi Grandmaw.. She said that my sister looked at her and said that everything was ok and then vanished...

We tried to attribute the story to my niece grieving, but when her 4 year old daughter did that it pretty much all made us really wonder...

Chris Gode
03-31-2015, 3:08 PM
I never believed in such things earlier in my life but as a career fireman and a paramedic I've seen more things than I care to remember. Some of those "things" I mentioned sure had made me wonder and then.....one particular incident I was directly involved with convinced me there are things science just can't explain away! It wouldn't surprise me Mr. Shepherd, that the man in the box, was checking out your facility!

Brian Leavitt
03-31-2015, 3:59 PM
I had a guy bring "half" of his wife to me to get the box she was in engraved. He was giving the box and half of her ashes to his son for a birthday present. He left her here for almost 6 months...

Dan Hintz
03-31-2015, 4:01 PM
So your saying the laser wasn't the only coherent light in the shop that evening? :p

Mike Chance in Iowa
03-31-2015, 5:10 PM
Until someone convinces me otherwise, I am open to the possibility that something may or may not exist. That said, I have witnessed a few questionable events like that too that have me leaning more towards "that may exist." My reasoning behind that is, the only time I have had lights turn on in a vacant room is when I'm working on an urn or memorial-type item. Upon talking to the customer afterwards, they have always said their loved one had a sense of humor.

Don Corbeil
03-31-2015, 5:31 PM
you'll have to resurrect this thread at halloween ;)

Kev Williams
04-01-2015, 5:17 PM
I've been telling people for years I have a ghost following me everywhere I go. His name is Murphy. Stuff is always falling off of tables or shelves around here for no reason. It's Murphy doing it... Several times lately it's as if someone grabs my hand and does stupid stuff, like the other day, reaching for cottage cheese in the fridge, my hand goes up and over the cottage cheese (a good 2"), and my index finger jams into the narrow edge of the shelf above it. Still hurts to type with it! Yesterday, while turning the spindle motor off my old V5000 like I've done 100 million times in the past 25 years, my hand suddenly lunges forward and my left index finger gets caught in the spindle pulley. I had NO earthly reason to move my hand forward...

Most of this type of stuff DOES have a reasonable explanation... However, and this post is timely, just this morning I come downstairs, and turn all the breakers on, then go in the back room to bevel the edges of some parts on my little HF lathe. About 5 minutes in, my older V5000XT motor starts up, and the table starts moving up (spindle going towards lower-left)... I figure it would probably keep going until the stepper jammed, so I hit the power button.

All of my computers were off. There was no way for them to send a start signal to the EP module..

Murphy DOES live here...