View Full Version : Looking for crosscut sled design

Larry Wilson
03-28-2015, 9:17 PM
I am desperately trying to find a link to a crosscut sled design/build video that I saw on a forum about 6 months ago. I have searched extensively to no avail. The owner built himself a sled that would do dado cuts, bevel cuts and 90 degree cuts, all on one sled. It has an adjustable front fence that has five bolts holding it in place. The right side has a horizontal bolt that is used to micro adjust the fence forward or backward to get a perfect 90 degrees to the saw blade. The base of the sled used 1/2” plywood and sliding hardboard pieces over top to achieve zero clearance regardless of blade thickness or angle. There were two knobs threaded though the fence to secure the tops in place. I have looked a hundreds of sled vids and designs but this one is the cream of the crop. I would love to find it again. HELP! please and thanks.

Roy Turbett
03-28-2015, 9:39 PM
Was is this one from Eagle Lake Woodworking?


Or maybe a knock-off of the Dubby Sled?
