View Full Version : waterproof foodsafe finish ?

Rob Matarazzo
03-27-2015, 1:16 PM
I'm turning a wood handle for a butter knife. I want to finish it with something that will hold up to dishwashers and other watery environments. Any recommendation?

Brian Brown
03-27-2015, 4:04 PM
No finishes are waterproof, but some are more resistant tan others. CA at the very least, but I don't think it will hold up in a dishwasher.

Reed Gray
03-27-2015, 4:17 PM
Will it go through the dishwasher?

Only once..... They really should be hand washed. Too extreme temperature and humidity changes for wood to go through..

robo hippy

Prashun Patel
03-27-2015, 4:24 PM
"...that will hold up to dishwashers..."

That's a tall order. I haven't found one yet, foodsafe or otherwise.

Scott Hackler
03-27-2015, 4:47 PM
IF you use a two part marine epoxy AND don't select heat dry on the dishwasher than it might survive for a while. But eventually someone will forget about no heat and it wont make it much longer. Best is to insist on hand wash only.

Rob Matarazzo
03-27-2015, 5:09 PM
No finishes are waterproof, but some are more resistant tan others. CA at the very least, but I don't think it will hold up in a dishwasher.

I like ca/BLO finishes. But after recently using that on a shaving brush handle, I'm not too impressed with its ability to withstand getting wet.