View Full Version : Shopsmith Mark V Parts?

Russell Neyman
03-27-2015, 12:47 PM
I'm repairing my grandfather's Mark V in hopes of enticing my sister into the Woodturning craft.

David Castor
03-27-2015, 12:50 PM
From the manufacturer? http://www.shopsmith.com/service/index.htm

Russell Neyman
03-27-2015, 4:18 PM
I don't believe Shopsmith still supports the Mark V.

David Delo
03-27-2015, 4:40 PM

If your looking for parts, ebay usually has several auctions going at the same time for whatever you might be looking for. It's a decent source for Mark V parts with a number of west coast guys that seem to have stuff all the time. Also, you might try the Shopsmith forum and inquire there. There's a few guys that post over there that rebuild and sell parts. Bill Mayo in FL is one name that comes to mind. http://www.shopsmith.com/ss_forum/

John Schlueter
03-28-2015, 7:23 AM
i just replaced the speed control rack gear on my Mark V with parts ordered from Shopsmith. They're still in business and suport the Mark V with parts.

Russell Neyman
03-28-2015, 10:31 AM
Thanks, John. I'm in a remote area of Arizona this week with only a smartphone, and it's difficult to search effectively. This is a shot of the broken speed assembly. I did find a link to "the 25 most ordered Mark V replacement parts."

Marvin Hasenak
03-28-2015, 1:56 PM
I would try Craigslists, I see Shopsmiths selling for anywhere from $200 to the sky is the limit. It might be more economical to buy a junker for parts to refurbish the one you are working on.