View Full Version : Does the UDD for the Festool CT make sense

James Nugnes
03-27-2015, 8:42 AM
So I have not posted this up in workshops because while my application is workshop related I really would be interested to hear from contractors that have to travel with this gear and haul it in and out of vans and trucks and what have you.

I have a DC that really is for the most part dedicated to the garage assemblage of band saws. It sits out there and is attached to those tools. I can feed in a line for handheld power tools off a gated y fitting that is closed off most of the time but just requires that I open and close a couple gates to gain access.

But I have a Festool Extractor now as well and that will be used mainly to service handheld power tools wherever I happen to be using them...basement shop....garage duty,,,whatever.

I have a separator attached to the DC out in the garage. They just make too much sense in that stationary application I think.

Purchasing a Festy Extractor obviously makes the Oneida Ultimate Dust Deputy a practical consideration. So this is what has me somewhat flummoxed. The UDD's are not inexpensive. Yes they are apparently fixed now and the new design does not send shivers up and down your poor little CT's back if it sees one coming I guess. Although the other CT's on bowling night probably giggle behind its back, tooling around with this thing slammed onto its poor little head. "Hey buddy....never seen that Systainer before. Which model is it....Sys-Ugly?"

But the Extractor is an interesting tool in that it is the primary dust implement for handheld power tools unlike the full blown dust collector that functions in an entirely different manner for a different purpose. I wish I knew more about the old UDD that was killing CT's vs the new one that is fixed. I just don't know what the dif is in the design. I just know that folks are happy that it is fixed now.

However, contractors haul CT's in and out of their job sites constantly, use them all day long clearly without a UDD or anything like a UDD affixed to them. Yet we don't see excessive reports about reduced performance due to filled bags or excessive filter or bag replacement. Some are using the bag that you can empty and refill as opposed to using the bags you fill and toss. So they can just use regular bags and filters and replace as needed. They can use the refillable bag and replace filters as needed. We who just use these CT's around our shops can do all of the same plus can get a UDD and sit it atop a CT. It will save on bags, eliminate from consideration the refillable bag and probably save on filters over time. But at a cost to maneuverability and the top of the machine and whatever other uses you might have for the top of the machine. While we may not be taking the CT in and out of job sites, even taking it up and down a flight of stairs becomes more complicated when you have a UDD.

So a separator along the lines of the UDD is not nearly the easy decision to make for the Extractor that it is for the DC.

So I am wondering if the contractors run into issues that could be resolved with a UDD or if they just empty the bags when they have to, change the bags and the filters when they have to without noticing anything like either excessive bag or filter usage in spite of the fact that they don't have a UDD. Also wondering if they notice reduced performance levels as the bag fills, meaning noticeably reduced performance even when half full or if like a typical vacuum cleaner of decent quality, the performance drop is not serial in nature but is logarithmic and directly tied to the bag being truly full. Anyway, their apparent happiness with the performance of their CT's sans UDD makes it tough to rationalize the use of a UDD even around the shop unless there is something happening out there that I am just not seeing. So that is the basis of my questions.