View Full Version : Buy the G0513X2BF now or wait?

Rob Holcomb
03-24-2015, 5:25 PM
Last weekend I sold my Craftsman 14" BAS350 band saw to a fellow Creeker as I am upgrading to a bigger saw. So for now, I have no Band Saw. After doing a lot of research, reading of reviews and knowing what I have to spend, I've decided the saw I will be buying is the Grizzly G0513X2BF . Not wanting to spend more than I need to to get what I want, today I talked with Grizzly Customer Service and they confirmed that their Spring sale flyers will be mailed in the middle of April but the person I talked to could not say whether the saw I want will be part of the sale. I can get by without a Band Saw for a few weeks but I would prefer not to. So I'm faced with the dilemma of do I wait and hope the saw is part of the sale or do I buy it now? I can't imagine the sale price would be more than $50-$75 off but that would help cover part of the shipping costs or pay for a blade or two anyway. If it ends up not being part of the sale, I've wasted a few weeks of Band Saw use in the shop. If you were me, would you buy now or wait?

Jesse Busenitz
03-24-2015, 5:58 PM
Tough call....I'm one of those guys that hates to wait but if involves getting a bonus then I'm a little more patient:D

Kent A Bathurst
03-24-2015, 6:23 PM
I can't imagine the sale price would be more than $50-$75 off but that would help cover part of the shipping costs or pay for a blade or two anyway. If it ends up not being part of the sale, I've wasted a few weeks of Band Saw use in the shop. If you were me, would you buy now or wait?

What value do you place on 3 - 4 weeks of no bandsaw?

If you are certain that you would wait if you knew for sure it would be on the sale list, would you wait?

If so, then the question is: are you willing to gamble 3-4 weeks for a $50-$75 gain?

Or, to put it in different terms:


:p :p

Mark Kornell
03-24-2015, 10:26 PM
Or try to find a Grizzly 10% off coupon and save $135...

Ronald Blue
03-25-2015, 11:00 PM
They have a 10% off deal for veterans through the end of the month.

glenn bradley
03-26-2015, 12:13 AM
Ronald's got it. Get on it.

Jim Andrew
03-26-2015, 10:04 AM
I have bought almost every machine I have on sale. Personally, I'd wait unless you can use one of the other discounts.