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View Full Version : Gremlins in my Silverado

Ken Salisbury
08-03-2005, 9:28 AM
A driving phenomenon we all seem to encounter is the vehicle just seems to get to work every day without the effort of steering it to work. It just gets there somehow :) .

Well some alien force has invaded the autopilot on my Chevy Silverado. When ever I leave home, even to go to the store, the truck seems to end up in the Huntsville Medical District.

It must be due to the barrage of CAT scans, PET tests, beathing tests, x rays, blood work, etc, etc which I have been exposed to for the last few weeks. I am hoping I have run the gambit on medical tests so some kind of treatment can begin.

This is what I think has been secretly installed on my truck by members of the medical profession:


Glenn Clabo
08-03-2005, 10:03 AM
It must be due to the barrage of CAT scans, PET tests, beathing tests, x rays, blood work, etc, etc which I have been exposed to for the last few weeks. I am hoping I have run the gambit on medical tests so some kind of treatment can begin.

Hang in there Ken...

James Carmichael
08-03-2005, 10:25 AM

Here's hoping your truck's autopilot is soon properly reprogrammed to carry you to the nearest lumberyard/home improvement store/power tool dealer ;)


Lee DeRaud
08-03-2005, 11:12 AM
Sounds like the ground crew reversed the polarity on the rudder position sensor.
Either that or the weather down there has buggered up the altimeter.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Ken Garlock
08-03-2005, 12:07 PM
Chevy trucks cause illness ;) :D

But seriously, keep driving that truck, it knows what is best for you :) :cool:

Alan Tolchinsky
08-03-2005, 3:38 PM
Ken, That was a funny post; cracked me up. If I were you I'd get a new truck. I know you can make it through all this. Know we are all thinking of you. Alan in Md.

Karl Laustrup
08-03-2005, 8:51 PM

I think I see the problem. It seems that the Sensitivity doohicky is directly connected to the Max Curve thinga ma bob. This is, of course, causing the Min Speed kadoobydaber to relay false information to the rudder, which in turn is causing the Change rudder position device to malfunction.

Of course this throws off the True Turn and True Heading readings which, obviously, gives an observation error, leading to a false observed heading. And as everyone knows this leads to a heading gap which is counter productive to the Desired Total Turn, which in turn alters the Desired turn because of Direction Sharpness.

Might I suggest the Test Mode so you may observe the changed heading and Observed turn.

A possible fix might be a new Silverado duelly 4 door with the Duramax and Allison tranny. And just for the heck of it a 5th wheel trailer and come visit all us Creekers. It probably wouldn't make too much difference if you did make wrong turns, you'd end up in one of our yards.

I know you think you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure that you understand that what you think I said is not what I meant.:D

Hang in there Ken. And thanks for the laugh.


Norman Hitt
08-09-2005, 5:03 AM
Naaah, Ken, I don't think they had anything installed in your truck, Dr's are to "Cheap" to do that. What I think has really happened is that with all the tests they have been giving you, you're probably Lit up like a x-mas Tree from the radiation, and it's affecting your truck's autopilot. It is probably just Blasting the AP, when you leave their facility, and after getting home and shutting it down, the only thing it will do when you start up again is to follow the reciprical heading, which, naturally takes you right back to their facility again, for more of the same. It's a Vicious circle, so you may want to leave the autopilot off when you leave their facility the next time, and see if it resets itself when you start to leave home again. If this don't work, you may have to wear a Lead Suit when driving the Truck. :)

Hang in there, Ken, we're all betting on you finding a solution to these problems.

John Miliunas
08-09-2005, 8:13 AM
Ken, the "problem" is quite obvious: American Motors (makers of the Gremlin)went down the tubes a long time ago. Heck, if someone went and put one of those in your Chevy, the poor truck is indeed toast! Fear not: The bowtie will overpower that Kenosha Cadillac!:) :cool:

Dennis Peacock
08-09-2005, 8:57 AM
I think I see the problem. It seems that the Sensitivity doohicky is directly connected to the Max Curve thinga ma bob. This is, of course, causing the Min Speed kadoobydaber to relay false information to the rudder, which in turn is causing the Change rudder position device to malfunction.

Of course this throws off the True Turn and True Heading readings which, obviously, gives an observation error, leading to a false observed heading. And as everyone knows this leads to a heading gap which is counter productive to the Desired Total Turn, which in turn alters the Desired turn because of Direction Sharpness.

Might I suggest the Test Mode so you may observe the changed heading and Observed turn.

A possible fix might be a new Silverado duelly 4 door with the Duramax and Allison tranny. And just for the heck of it a 5th wheel trailer and come visit all us Creekers. It probably wouldn't make too much difference if you did make wrong turns, you'd end up in one of our yards.

I know you think you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure that you understand that what you think I said is not what I meant.:D


Oh my head!!!!! :rolleyes:
At least It be like it was, when it wasn't, while ago.

Ken Ol' Buddy....hang in there. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Now, point that thang to the nearest lumber yard, stop and smell the woodchips!!!!!