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View Full Version : FSL 4th Gen Data Lag

jon christlieb
03-22-2015, 9:36 PM
Anyone have a shift in their image while engraving? I am noticing as I am trying to get this going. From 1/4+ shift, and I put magnets and things in place to ensure that the part does not move. Any thoughts?

jon christlieb
03-22-2015, 10:39 PM
I figured it out....... Stupid X belt wasnt tight and skipping. Not sure how tight it has to be but it is no longer moving all over.

Bert Kemp
03-22-2015, 11:40 PM
you want the belt snug but not real tight. If you pluck it like a guitar string you should get a low bong sound LOL

jon christlieb
03-23-2015, 12:02 AM
Yeah the belt was so loose that I could move the positioning block. I dont know how the guy that owned it before me ever ran.

jon christlieb
03-23-2015, 1:29 PM
I thought I had this figured out, but I am still missing something. It isnt skipping like it was but now when I test fire it to check my zero's it repeats and all is well. When I go to run my machine always starts lik 0.5-.75" off from where it should in the X axis and I cant figure it out.

Mike Troncalli
03-23-2015, 1:47 PM

Did you get my PM ?

Also, are you starting your engraving at least one inch from the left? And are you using the yellow bounding box?

jon christlieb
03-23-2015, 6:15 PM
I just found the 1" from the left thing, and I am not sure what you are referring to for the "yellow bounding box"..... I also have been to the site you were talking about, but it seems like all the posts are old and the site isnt used much.

Mike Troncalli
03-23-2015, 6:41 PM
Sent you another PM..

Ok, on to your problem... When you send a print job to the RetinaGrave (RE) software it automaticly removes all white spaces to the left and top of your engraving... To make your engravings work properly you do this..

Say you are engraving a 6" X 6" square plaque.. You draw a yellow box in RE the exact same dimensions. (The RE software won't display the yellow box in raster mode) You then place whatever you want into that yellow box and then place your piece into the engraver"upper left corner".. The engraving will come out exactly where you want it.. Remember you do need at least 1" of room to the left and right of your head to allow room for it to ramp up and down without slamming into the side of the machine...

jon christlieb
03-25-2015, 7:44 PM
I appreciate it Mike, any tips on sites or places to go in regards to speeds/power/materials? I have tried a few different practice runs (mostly with wood) and I cant seem to get the right mix of power/speed to get the right final product.

Mike Troncalli
03-25-2015, 8:24 PM
This is a link to the forum I PM'd you about. It has a material sheet that might help you. Understand that every laser will cut differently depending on tube strength, power supply strength, optics,etc. I really suggest you join that forum as you,will get help from members who all own full spectrum lasers.


jon christlieb
03-25-2015, 9:04 PM
Alright Mike, I am signed up. Still cant get in and look at that file yet.

Mike Troncalli
03-25-2015, 9:20 PM
I think you need a google account to see it. I can see if I can copy it and send it to you via PM