View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
06-02-2003, 3:50 AM
Well...another weekend has come and gone. I got to spend a little time in the shop building a 6 sides well house for an X-Boss of mine that he wants to put over his pump and have it look like a wishing well. Frame work is well under way and I am now starting the framing of the roof. Other than that....just yard work and "work" work. Maybe more shop time this week...I hope!!!

Best of Weeks....

Jason Roehl
06-02-2003, 7:51 AM
Turned a bowl on Saturday (needs to be sanded and finished yet), then said goodbye to my neighbors who are moving to Alaska for a year (Sitka, which has a Sawmill Creek!!). The family and I then went down to see both of my sisters and families in Indy for the evening--bratwurst and beer makes for a good get-together. Sunday was church, naptime, then some time working on both my chainsaws. New points and condenser in my Stihl ($40!!), with the adjustment being trial-and-error (arrgh, some disassembly required). Then I re-tapped my Poulan and sheathed a bar stud with brass tubing--I had stripped the aluminum case while tightening the bar last fall---grrr. I hope this holds. It certainly felt tighter. All and all, good weekend, nose back to the grindstone now.

Ken Salisbury
06-02-2003, 8:51 AM
Weekend must have been OK. I got up at 6:00am -- went to the driveway, retrieved the newspaper --- checked the obituary coluum ---- my name didn't appear --- so I put on a pot of coffee.<p align="center">
<IMG src="http://www.klsal.com/smiley2.gif">

Mike Circo
06-02-2003, 9:10 AM
Managed to waste a bunch of time.

Partial plans, the rest in my head... blueprint for problems.

Did a groove in the legs of the dresser with the dado set in table saw. Perfect fit will hold side panels and tenons of rails. All I have to do is fill the groove from the floor to the bottom of the bottom rail so it don't show. (no plans remember). Made the plug for the grooves too long by 2 inches. Now I have to do another step to re-mortice the legs and keep it in exact alignment with the dadoed groove.

Not a disaster, just a huge waste of time.:mad:

Jim Becker
06-02-2003, 9:10 AM
This weekend was more cabinetry work for our upcoming kitchen renovation. Rain was also the order of the day for both days! Again.

As part of said renovation, there is a cabinet that goes into a very nice looking, but fake fireplace to provide additional storage and a nice non-counter spot for the microwave, toaster oven and cappuccino machine. This fireplace is made of limestone and slightly irregular.

Prior to drawing the plans for the cabinet I measured...and measured...and measured...and measured again to insure that I could slip the carcass into the opening. Well, yesterday the cabinet went into the fireplace...well, actually it didn't and required some careful "redesign" in the shop after treating SWMBO and the Birdies to a whole bunch of "choice words". As Maxwell Smart often said, "Missed it by that much!".

At any rate, the carcass is now in place (an inch narrower than it was without affecting the drawers and doors already completed) and the face frame is scribed and cut to follow the stone. But, yes, even with all that "excitement", it was a good weekend for woodworking. A picture of the cabinet with the scribed face frame is shown below.

Bob Lasley
06-02-2003, 9:34 AM
Our 7 year old grandaughter spent Friday night with us and then we took her to the new Oklahoma Aquarium Saturday morning. She, as well as SWMBO and I, really enjoyed the aquarium. Most of Sunday was spent working in the garden.

I did manage to get enough shop time to get The Crib completed except for the finish. Should have it stained and varnished this week.

Ken, hope you are feeling a little more spry this morning.

Jim, the scribed face frame looks great!

Have a great week all,

Jack Diemer
06-02-2003, 10:55 AM
Fixed a broken gate, built an umbrella stand, built a blast gate, and last but not least.

Taught my 5 year old boy how to ride a two-wheeler. He thinks he is BIG stuff now.

Scott Coffelt
06-02-2003, 11:41 AM
Rented two movies, took the family to see the new Finding Nemo movie. Took the boy out for a bike ride (actually me riding the bike and he in the trailer).

Builts 5 blast gates, began piping to some of the machines. Very time consuming sealing all of the joints to make sure there are no leaks when I fire the cyclone up.

Since I have no DC right now, wood chips every where, so I decided it was time to get out the shop vac and clean up a little.

Watched some neckcar and golf.

Painted the entry way (18 foot ceailings).

Not much done.....

keith zimmerman
06-02-2003, 1:07 PM
Started to turn a 10" cherry, had a catch, and broke my tool rest. I'm taking it in to be brazed tomorrow.

Cut out and sealed two ash bowl blanks.

Mowing, mowing, and more mowing on Sunday.

Tom Sweeney
06-02-2003, 2:31 PM
Saturday I went to an auction - hoped to get a band saw but was outbid. I did end up with a cheap craftsman lathe & some odds & ends though. Saturday afternoon I cut the grass - partly in the rain

I got out to the shop a little - LOML swept up the huge pile of shavings from my planer for me while I cut the grass. I cleaned up a little but not enough - couldn't find my TS wrench to put a new Amana blade on it.

I think I'm the slowest WW'er in the world - I did one more step on a cutting board I started over a month ago. I guess gluing 3 pieces of wood together is considered WW'ing.

I did learn a good lesson though.

I dimensioned some of the wood incorrectly - the last time I worked on it. I think I got it right now. Rough cut on my Tablesaw jointer sled - then face joint - without using the fence (which was a little off) - Then edge joint using the jointed face against the fence - then planer on other face - then rip on the TS using the fence.

Sunday - went to Church then took a much-needed day of rest. Rented the original Matrix DVD - I was actually a little disappointed. That’s about it - felt good to take it easy though.

Ken - Glad to hear you're feeling good - you're in my thoughts & prayers- they can't keep a good old boy down!

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-02-2003, 5:46 PM
Started the remodel of our Living/Family Room on Friday evening. This is what the weekend labor produced:

Re-Textured Ceiling...........thanks to Jason for the advice, the ceiling turned out great, just like I expected it to. (I looked like Frosty the Snowman when I got done!)
Stripped all wallpaper and border, primed and painted the walls.
Removed carpet & Pad. Fixed a few floor squeaks too.
Removed all base and casing trim.
Went shopping for new furniture..............found what we were looking for the first time out, which is rare!
Went shopping for Carpet, found what we wanted at a great price, so bought it and scheduled installation.
Rehung Ceiling Fan Sunday afternoon.
Now ready for Wainscoting, border, & trim.
Also ready for the Ceramic Tile I will be laying..........doing 2 areas, one in front of entry door and another in front of fireplace hearth. Everything went well, for a change, and the Mrs. and kids really helped out a lot..........which is also a welcome change from past projects. Was tired today, but the results were worth it, and I can see light at the end of the tunnel!

Jason Roehl
06-02-2003, 9:19 PM
Glad to hear the ceiling turned out for you, Kevin! I used to hate doing it until I learned how, now I don't mind too much, since it's a welcome change of pace.

John Miliunas
06-02-2003, 10:01 PM
More garage sale prep, finished painting and re-assembling an old iron park bench with new wood (Cyprus) and stainless steel hardware, de-rusted, primed and painted another old steel lawn chair. Cleaned shop a bit, designated a bunch of scrap wood to the burn pile, made room for incoming jointer and hopefully, one other piece of equipment. A little R&R with the family and help youngest with homework (waited until Sunday evening, of course!:D ). Everyone have yourselves a great week! :cool:

Jim Baker
06-02-2003, 11:05 PM
Put some finish on some raised panel doors.

Went to our son's Baseball practice. I'm the assistant coach.

Built the top for our daughter's desk.

Cut up a downded red oak tree. Got a full wagon load of firewood for my uncle, a 16' log (22" diameter) to have made into lumber for myself, and another 16' log (15" diameter) that will become either lumber or firewood. I haven't decided yet. There is another fantastic white oak log out there that is probably 24" diameter by 20' long. I strongly prefer red oak over white, but it's much too nice to put into the firewood pile. If anyone in the area needs some white oak, let me know. I can probably help you out.

Glad to see that Ken didn't read his own name in the obituaries:D and that Kevin's remodeling is going well. We just completed a remodel of the entire house. It can be really stressful at times.

Have a good week everyone.

Doug Littlejohn
06-03-2003, 5:25 PM
Nothing WW oriented. However, we successfully had out Pig roast on Saturday. Boy howdy, but she was a tasty (actually is, as there are plenty of leftovers) !!

The spit I built worked okay, just a few tweaks to keep it running for 10 hours. I have a few permanent changes to make to replace the 'tweaks', but all in all, it was a very good roast/ Especially, since it was our first.

SWMBO and I are figuring we'll have to turn this into an annual event.

With luck, next weekned I'll start grading for the new building so I can move out all of the cr(&^#p in my shop building.