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View Full Version : Anyone use LinkedIn?

Ole Anderson
03-22-2015, 11:40 AM
Occasionally I get requests from "friends" to join LinkedIn. This has been going on for at least 5 years. Some were business acquaintances (I am since retired) others just social friends. What does LinkedIn have to offer other social media doesn't? I always presumed it was mostly business related. Oh, I have never joined. I limit myself to forums and Facebook.

Frederick Skelly
03-22-2015, 11:47 AM
I get those too. I've never joined but hear it is a useful networking tool for some people.

A funny aside for you. I once called someone who invited me to join and asked "What is this linked in thing"? They replied "It's like facebook for grown ups". :)

Jim Becker
03-22-2015, 12:08 PM
LinkedIn is primarily a business-focused social networking site, especially for career related things since folks profiles are a 'virtual resume'. The reason that folks see frequent requests from friends is that the site has a screen that sometimes pops up that asks for the member to put in their email address and then it scans their address book. It can be skipped, but a lot of times, people don't realize what that screen is for. I can almost always tell when this happens because the requests come to my email addresses that I do not use for business or LinkedIn... ;)

Dan Hintz
03-22-2015, 4:31 PM
LinkedIn is primarily a business-focused social networking site, especially for career related things since folks profiles are a 'virtual resume'.

It's a pretty invaluable tool... but I carefully choose who I "friend". People I have worked with in the past (or people I may wish to work for in the future) are easy enough selections. I do not friend recruiters... they simply use my list as an extension of their own and bug my contacts. It is NOT Facebook and shouldn't be treated that way. You can always tell the recruiters (and marketing peeps)... they treat it like FB and have 10,000 "friends".

Fred Belknap
03-22-2015, 5:49 PM
I tried logging out and closing my account. Not happening.

Dan Hintz
03-23-2015, 6:16 AM
I tried logging out and closing my account. Not happening.

Just remove all contacts (i.e., friends), blank every section, etc. The account may still be live, but there's nothing there to worry about.

Rich Riddle
03-23-2015, 7:50 AM
I have many people who requested me to add them despite not having an account. Privacy proves more valuable these days than does social networking. Old age (fifties) has benefits.

Peter Kelly
03-23-2015, 8:00 AM
What does LinkedIn have to offer other social media doesn't?Pretty useful if you're looking for a job these days.

David Falkner
03-23-2015, 8:05 AM
I'm in Technology Sales - I use it all the time. It's a great tool if used properly.

Malcolm Schweizer
03-23-2015, 8:06 AM
I get people all the time trying to add me to their LinkedIn. Once they do this the emails from LinkedIn never cease. Rather than gaining business, it made me want to altogether stop doing business with people that use it.