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View Full Version : Attachment button

Per Swenson
08-02-2005, 7:24 PM
OK folks,
It is more then likely me......
Alas, I wanted to post some pics.
hit the manage attachment button,
nothing zippo nada.
reloaded page still nada.
I give. Is it me?


Don Baer
08-02-2005, 7:47 PM
YUp must be you.

Bart Leetch
08-02-2005, 9:28 PM
Yep its you alright problem is your a little unfocused. :eek: :)

Bill Arnold
08-03-2005, 6:34 AM

Sounds like your pop-up blocker is doing its job. You may need to adjust its settings and/or add SMC to the 'Allowed' list.


Per Swenson
08-03-2005, 8:16 AM
<!--StartFragment --> Well,

I dunno, the button works in IE now.
Except I use fire fox.
And magically, (frankly this is all magic)
It works this morning in fire fox again.
I can't complain, why, just a few years ago we
painted on rocks.
This is a test.


Correction, it only works in IE now.
So it it is a firefox issue.
so this is another test.

Jim Becker
08-03-2005, 8:51 AM
Firefox also includes automatic pop-up protection. You need to enable SMC so that they are allowed. Also, be sure you are using the new 1.0.6 version of Firefox to be sure the known security problems are attended to. You need to de-install the earlier version before installing the new version, but your settings, bookmarks, etc., will not be lost.

Jay Fields
08-03-2005, 10:14 AM
Looks like someone has a good start on a beautiful intarsia. Is that your work? Love to see some progress pics.

Per Swenson
08-03-2005, 10:30 AM

Nope thats my father Bobs (only) project.
It keeps him out of the shop.
Unfortunately due to his compulsive Food Channel viewing,
I think its starting to look like one of the diagrams
for how to get the most out of your elk.
He is going to kill me for posting it! Ha ha.
This will be the center section of the new Elks
Bartop. When he gets it a little more refined
I will post it for him. Notice I said when,
he seems to be in a creative slump at the moment.
Thanks for noticing.

Also, this is a nefarious deed.
Now that the world knows he is actually working on it
maybe he will be inspired to finish it.