View Full Version : X/Y Disabled X: head jamming

Josh Jackson
03-18-2015, 9:58 PM
Today has not been my day. Bottom line is my machine got bumped around while moving due to my friend redoing the restraints. Nothing visibly broken, takes orders, and the bed moves.

However, I have a massive order tonight and the machine begins engraving, but after a few passes stops in about five inches from the right side. After some examination all I can figure is the air assist line (which is not hooked up to a pump) is kinking as it is being pushed to the right, this pressure is causing enough resistance to make the 'X/Y disabled X' message.

My question is can anyone provide insight in how to fix this? A quick look through the forum and web had no relevant information. Then again, I am very much behind to get this order.

Thank you in advance.

Rich Harman
03-18-2015, 10:03 PM
I'm sure it would help a lot if you told us what kind of machine you have. Pictures help a lot too.

Josh Jackson
03-18-2015, 10:05 PM
The one showing how the line looks without the cover.309443

One of me pushing until I meet resistance309444

Josh Jackson
03-18-2015, 11:04 PM
And it's an Epilog Helix 24.

Rich Harman
03-19-2015, 2:53 AM
Since you are not using the air assist you could disconnect it from the laser head and secure it coiled up at the far right, that should tell you if it is really is the problem and if it is, you can finish your work while working out a solution.