View Full Version : Burls

Toby Bouder
03-18-2015, 6:49 PM
I just picked up some burl wood. 5 maple branch pieces and 1 interesting piece of ailanthus (tree of heaven). Has anyone worked with ailanthus burl? I will soon put it on the lathe to see what's inside, but thought I'd ask.

Leo Van Der Loo
03-18-2015, 10:39 PM
I have turned a Ailanthus burl, though not one like you are showing, as it was from a very large tree that was 40” in diameter, and the burl was part of the tree, without sitting on the outside of the tree, here is a picture.

I wonder if yours is more of a union burlm where the yearly growths are like layers of a union, hope you will show whatever you will get from that burl, I’m interested :)


charlie knighton
03-19-2015, 7:01 AM
Terry Scott

Challenge photoshttps://scontent-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p350x350/1545595_10204487395477438_618798931855790112_n.jpg ?oh=aa5777952c8536040c3e0449f44e0a52&oe=5583DA2B
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Toby Bouder
03-19-2015, 7:52 AM
Pretty sure mine won't end up looking like those.

charlie knighton
03-19-2015, 1:16 PM
Toby, if you would be interested at selling at a agreeable price that 1st log in the 1st picture, I would sure like to take up Terry's challenge.....I have never tried to turn a log like that but have done some multi-axis pieces, it does look to be a challenge

Toby Bouder
03-19-2015, 2:48 PM
I have turned a Ailanthus burl, though not one like you are showing, as it was from a very large tree that was 40” in diameter, and the burl was part of the tree, without sitting on the outside of the tree, here is a picture.

I wonder if yours is more of a union burlm where the yearly growths are like layers of a union, hope you will show whatever you will get from that burl, I’m interested :)

Leo, I'm thinking you are right and it is an onion burl. If it is, I wonder how to best take advantage of that grain pattern. What type of piece would look best?

Rob Boesem
03-19-2015, 5:53 PM
Hope you show what's inside those.....The Ailanthus burl is likely like Leo said. It looks similar to the birch burls I get all the time....No eyes, but brilliant rays and chatoyance inside many of them...Burl are exciting, because you just never know what you might find inside!!

Leo Van Der Loo
03-20-2015, 12:15 AM
Leo, I'm thinking you are right and it is an onion burl. If it is, I wonder how to best take advantage of that grain pattern. What type of piece would look best?

Toby I would try to keep the outside as you see it and go in on the log side, so cut it off of the log.

The challenge here is to mount it without destroying the outside, so maybe glue/screw a couple of legs onto that side that you than can fasten to a faceplate.

See what you can think up on a manner to use it, anyway good luck, .....Have fun and take care 309492