View Full Version : Klingspor's Norton Grinding wheels

Adam Petersen
03-18-2015, 10:02 AM
Has anyone ordered Norton's white AoX grinding wheels from Klingspor? If so, what hardness rating are they? I called Klingspor and they couldn't tell me sadly enough. They are the best price I can find online for the white 8 x 1 x 1 wheels at $25.

Also, does anyone use Raptor's bushings? They look like a good solution to poor bushings. I know the drill rod from McMaster Carr is an option but the price is close and I have to get something else from Craft Supply anyways so I'd save on shipping. Just curious on opinions if any.



Thom Sturgill
03-18-2015, 10:33 AM
Haven't used them and have now gone to CBN so I don't need them. I did use drill bushings and they were a great improvement. These look to be better as they also incorporate a washer and large area to set against the face of the wheel for stability. The drill bushing was a case of finding something that helped while this is a purpose built fix.

The wheel may still need balancing. Don Gieger at GiegerSolutions (http://www.geigerssolutions.com/Tuning-Up-a-Bench-Grinder.html) has info on tuning up a grinder that is worth reading and a technique for balancing that works. He also sells an excellent dressing device which will both cause you to wear down the wheel faster and get better grinds while you do LOL. Recommended, even if you think you already do a good job of dressing a wheel (I did).

Adam Petersen
03-18-2015, 11:58 AM
Thanks Thom, I'll check out the link.

Adam Petersen
03-18-2015, 12:17 PM
I just read the Geiger article. Very interesting. I am currently experiencing side to side wobble with my current wheels so I'll give this a try if I still have any wobble from the Raptor bushings on the new wheels.

I decided to order the wheels from Klinspor. They say I can return them if the grade is too soft for HSS.

Reed Gray
03-18-2015, 12:38 PM
It has been years since I had standard grinding wheels, but the hardness rating used to be stamped on the wheel label or the box they come in. The blue ceramic wheels from Norton are the better ones, but CBN are a LOT better.

robo hippy

Joe Kaufman
03-18-2015, 8:09 PM
I have two 6" Norton White AlOx wheels still in the boxes. There is no indication of grit or hardness, just General Purpose and interestingly, imported by Saint-Cobain Abrasives Canada Inc.
The paper label on the wheel - Norton General Purpose, Made in the USA. I have had these about 6 years and don't remember where I ordered them. You probably don't want to hear it, but another CBN Wheel proponent.

Adam Petersen
03-18-2015, 9:13 PM
I know those are the bees knees guys, but I just can't swing them right now. Those will have to wait for Christmas or my wife will kill me!

Jeff Ramsey
07-30-2015, 5:01 PM
I ended up buying this and tossing the junk plastic bushings from Norton. I'm not sure why they send such poor quality bushings with a good grinding wheel.
