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View Full Version : Recipe Book Holder

Brad Hammond
06-01-2003, 7:14 PM
here's a book holder i saw in a magazine that i thought loml might like.
i think the design is very functional. it's walnut and curly maple trim with a plexiglass page support. i finished with blo and a coat or two of poly. i'm normally not a poly fan, but i thought i'd get alot of abuse............well, i hope it does! bring on the desserts!
tips and critiques welcome.

Joe Tonich
06-01-2003, 7:54 PM
I've never seen anything like that before. Gonna have to put it on my "to do" list. You did a good job picking your wood. I like contrasting woods in my projects.


Jim Becker
06-01-2003, 9:19 PM
Yup...gonna have to add that to the project list for once the kitchen renovation is done! (Nice job!!!)

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-01-2003, 9:39 PM
That is nice Brad. Excellent choice of wood also...........the Curly Maple and Walnut compliment nicely. If you don't mind, where was the plan for that located? I am thinking that would make a nice Christmas Present for the Cooking Ladies in my life. Execution, finish and overall eye pleasing results are fantastic. Thanks for sharing the Pic's! :)

Brad Hammond
06-02-2003, 5:29 PM
i got the idea from a "williams-sonoma" catalog. here's the link for a cookbook stand like the one i saw. sorry i cant post a pic from work. http://ww2.williams-sonoma.com/cat/pip.cfm?src=schfname%7Cion%7CpAll%7Crshop%7Csbook% 5Csstand&skus=47%5F3647880&root=shop
there's no plan that i've seen. it's a homeade design.

i used a 30deg angle for dado's for the back and plexi cover. the plexi is 1/4". i took the biggest book the my wife had as a guide for measurements. from there i made a two more dadoes for the plexi closer to the back for smaller books. the maple trim is 3/4x3/4. all held together with #10 biscuits and screws for the back. they're on the bottom so i figured i could cheat.
it was very easy to put together and mill. if you want, let me know and i'll make some measurements when i get home. i apologize for not remembering them now.
thanx again all for the kind words.

Brad Hammond
06-02-2003, 5:52 PM

Glenn Clabo
06-02-2003, 5:52 PM
Stop adding things to my tahdue list!!! I have a couple of years before I retire and work keeps getting in the way of all these things.

Great idea and execution Brad.


Dan Stuewe
06-02-2003, 6:17 PM
My wife has the stand from W-S. One of the handy things with that one is it can fold up easily, which makes it nice to put away. Of course if it was made like yours, who'd want to put it away!

Tom Sweeney
06-02-2003, 7:01 PM
Brad- I like the cookbook holder a lot. Figured maple & contrasting woods are my favorite look. It also looks like I could actually build it myself - course like the others there are a few million things on the to-do list in front of it, but I did just add this.

As to the question - If I understand correctly there is one dado in the bottom that the entire back slides into - then you screwed the back to the bottom piece from below - is that correct?

Thanks for posting - really enjoyed looking at it. :cool:

Brad Hammond
06-02-2003, 7:37 PM
needless to say, but it would have probably been fine with just glue, but i thought i'd add a little extra strength.
there's probably about 1/4" lip on the short side of the angled dado...........if that gives you an idea about the depth. and just so i didnt screw up the angle of the screw, i drilled a pilot hole from the inside bottom of the dado through the base piece with the back removed, then attatched the back with screws.
thanx for the kind words all.......

Dennis Peacock
06-02-2003, 8:06 PM
Excellent piece and very well done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have to see about making LOML one of those....

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-02-2003, 9:13 PM
The more I look at your Cook Book Holder, the more I like it. My Wife saw it, and it is all over but the sawin'! She just HAS to have one...........and she says I must build one for my Mom too. I was thinking along the lines of Cherry with Rosewood accent wood. I have some small Rosewood that would be perfect for this. Thanks also for the additional links you posted. I even managed to find some 1/4" Lexan I forgot I had..............I even rubbed that in to my Wife.............who is ALWAYS on my butt for my pack rat tendencies. I keep tellin' her "You never know when you're gonna need that stuff...............and it IS stuff, NOT junk!" ;)

Keith Outten
06-03-2003, 12:17 AM

Nice work on the recipe holder. I agree that when they look as nice as yours most women wouldn't want to put them away. You may want to soften the edges on the acrylic sheet though, I use a lot of acrylic in my engraver and know all to well how sharp the edges can be. Makes for a nasty cut so round the corners and run a router around the edges. Better yet take the acrylic to a local engraver and have it laser cut and a really nice design engraved around the edges or some simple text that the cook would enjoy.