View Full Version : Hello everyone I would like to introduce John Griffin

Bart Leetch
08-02-2005, 10:44 AM
Hello everyone I would like to introduce John Griffin. Whom I met on another forum

He has built some bookcases, and a wall cabinet, some quilt racks for his wife, and a behind the sofa table. Most have been in cherry (bookcases were oak) although he says he would really like to try a Morris chair in QS white oak next and fume it for the finish.

He has taken a course with Mike Dunbar for a week and built a couple of Windsor chairs & said they came out OK considering he was only using hand tools. He really doesn’t like milk paint finish but would really like to trying to build one out of oak and staining it so the grain would be visible.
He said he has small house syndrome & space limitations don’t allow for much of a shop. That was one reason he was intrigued by building Windsor chairs because he only needed a bench and hand tools. But he was blessed by being able to join a woodworking club in lower Connecticut, which has a fully equipped shop.
He is always looking to learn, & when he found my link to Saw Mill Creek, thought here was another great source of information. He reads both FW and FHB every month & likes This Old House, too. Even after 30 years thinks he’s a novice, in need of assistance on many occasions & having resources like these bulletin boards is really great.

So lets give him a great big welcome to Sawmill Creek.

lou sansone
08-02-2005, 11:52 AM
welcome to the creek. we like pictures here so be prepared to snap'em


Hal Flynt
08-02-2005, 6:47 PM
Come on in, the water is fine!

Dave Dionne
08-02-2005, 10:00 PM
Welcome Lou

Would love to chat sometime about Mike Dunbars course, one of my co-workers just took his second level class with him. I need to go to his school/shop and meet him. During my mispent youth many years ago we use to park right down the road from where he is to drink beers, oh how times change.

Welcome to the creek, I am just a beginner myself but this is the most helpful and friendly bunch of folks I have ever encountered, being a yankee I guess the best thing I can say is that they are "good people".

Davd Dionne

Mark Singer
08-02-2005, 10:09 PM
Welcome!!!! Enjoy the creek!

Corey Hallagan
08-02-2005, 10:28 PM
Welcome to the SMC John. Great place full of good guys just like Bart! Enjoy.


John Griffin
08-03-2005, 2:52 AM
Hello everyone, I'm John Griffin, the fellow who roped Bart into assisting me in joining this BB. He's sung my praises and, frankly, I sound better than I actually am.

I'm just a homeowner who fiddles around mostly to keep out of the wife's hair and line of sight. Make a lot of sawdust, make a lot of mistakes, and occasionally make a piece of wood look like a piece of furniture. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Looking forward to picking up some knowledge that might help me refine my abilities a tad more and maybe get some ideas I hadn't thought of before. I'll try to get some photos to show you my work - right now I think I need to get a new camera. Mine is nearly 4 years old and things seem to go wrong with it more than they do right - kinda like my woodworking. But, I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for all the greetings. Don't believe everything I've hinted at about the DW. She's not too bad for an old broad.


Jason Tuinstra
08-03-2005, 10:29 AM
John, good to have you around. Welcome!

Bart Leetch
08-04-2005, 11:50 AM
John's modest thats ok modesty is good. Just remember a modest person can surprise you by pulling a rabbit out of the hat too. :D

Pulling rabbits out of the hat is ok too as long as it a Rabbet plane. :eek:

Welcome to Sawmill Creek John.