View Full Version : App for cut list?

David Ragan
03-13-2015, 1:08 PM
Anyone have an app for generating a cut list?

Not sure how good app for iPhone would actually be, since I would want to print it off.

One of the iPhone apps I found said CutList was OK, but would not apply more than one 4x8 sheet of plywood were used.

Also, a way to plug in raw lumber would be nice.....eg, start with 8/4 by 6" by 8', and need to get whatever out of the board. (We all know with hardwoods, that we normally layout around the grain, knotholes, irregularities, etc, but still.....)

Dennis Peacock
03-13-2015, 3:55 PM
Not for the phone....but for PC there is a software program called CutList Plus. Really nice. You can put in your sheet good and your solid lumber. Put in the details of your piece and it will tell you how many board feet of lumber you'll need as well as how many sheets of plywood and how to cut every single piece. I couldn't imagine doing all this on a phone. :)