View Full Version : Speaking of finger nails......

Mac McAtee
06-01-2003, 5:31 PM
So this weekend was the finishing up weekend on a jewelry chest that I was building to repay a person at a veneer company who gave me a pile of wonderful boards. when veneer is sliced off of the log there is a board left that is where the clamping mechanism holds the log so the knife can cut the veneer off. Those boards are sometimes used for packing the filches of veneer. When they get to the distributor, sometimes, they don't have any use for them.

At any rate, I put the wooden knobs on the drawers this morning. I then opened a can of Buffalo Wax, to finish off the shiny shellac on the knobs so that they matched the drawer's finish. No problem, then I took an old towel and was buffing out the wax on the knobs and the towel slipped. My thumb nail scraped across the middle drawer front removing the finish down to the bare wood in a very nice arc. Now I have to decide if I am going to refinish the front of all three drawers or try and "fix" the gouged out place on one of them. So much for finishing the project this weekend.

Bobby Hatfield
06-02-2003, 10:15 AM
Mac, I feel your pain, I have had to bite the bullet and do a complete sand to wood to refinish part of a project. In the middle of one of those now and it hurts but makes you stronger when finished, only you know the bitter truth and satisfaction of a job redone.

Lee Schierer
06-02-2003, 10:55 AM
Boy that Buffalo wax must be tough stuff if you can use it on a buffalo.....Didn't know any one ever tried waxing them though I did see a guy try to ride one once! I don't think he was interested in riding it the second time.


Mac McAtee
06-02-2003, 1:10 PM
Well, Lee it's like this. I have this dog who's main job is to keep buffalos out of the yard. She is very good at that and I haven't seen one in Oak Ridge in about 15 years. So waxing buffalo fell by the wayside and I now use the wax on wood.