View Full Version : What do you charge for pens and bottle stoppers

Ernie Nyvall
08-01-2005, 8:33 PM
I didn't plan on this, but I guess it is happening anyway. At loml's family reunion, she showed several people the pen I made her and they couldn't help but notice the load of mesquite in the bed of my pick-up. Well within a couple of hours her family members were giving me addresses, phone#'s, and e-mail addresses to the tune of about 100 pens and bottle stoppers. I didn't want to turn them down, but I can't do that many for free. I told them they would be about $25.00 ea. for pen or stopper, but would let them know for sure. The pens are slim-line and stoppers are the long chrome with 2 rubber seals. Actually some have called since and asked for some pens that have more expensive hardware.

Is this price okay and do you go up with the different categories of pens?

Thanks for any help.


Chris Barton
08-01-2005, 9:24 PM
Hi Ernie,

By my way of thinking you need to charge roughly 7-10 times material costs for these types of art objects. $25 for the slimlines is about right but, for the chrome toppers I would charge more.


Keith Burns
08-01-2005, 10:07 PM
Told you your pens looked good ! Now will you beleive me ? Anyway, the amount I charge for the Mont Blanc type is around $30 to $35 depending on wood used and quantity ordered. I have charged $75 for one pen (Only once). For quantities I set up a production line, drill all blanks, glue all tubes, turn all blanks, assemble pens. By doing this I can average about 2-1/2 to 3 completed pens an hour. Congrats on all the orders. Don't sell yourself short as they are worth every penny you charge.

"Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints."

Ernie Nyvall
08-01-2005, 10:25 PM
Anyway, the amount I charge for the Mont Blanc type is around $30 to $35 depending on wood used and quantity ordered.
"Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints."

Thanks Keith, and excuse me for my ignorance, but I don't know what the Mont Blanc type is. Who sells this hardware?


Keith Burns
08-01-2005, 10:33 PM
All the suppliers carry them. Woodcraft has them. They call them "European" style. Craft Supplies call theirs "European" as well. Remember, any profits get invested in NEW TOOLS!

Ed Davidson
08-02-2005, 1:18 AM
My chrome based bottle stoppers normally go for $22.75 retail, and occasionally, a really special one for as much as $45.00

My slimlines and cigar pens sell for $29.95, and up to $49.95 for the better stuff.

BTW, you can get chrome stopper bases for less than $2.00 each at http://www.arizonasilhouette.com/Specials.htm . Bill also sells slimline pen kits for what I consider a real bargain...$1.55 each. You can also go to some of the PSI distributors like http://www.woodturningz.com and http://pocwoodworking.com to find some bargains.

Barbara Gill
08-02-2005, 4:10 AM
I have started getting bottle stoppers from Ruth Niles at http://www.torne-lignum.com/stoppers.html

They are stainless steel. I discovered that the chrome stoppers (good quality) will not hold up to continuous use in a bottle of red wine. The plating starts to bubble off. No only did my stoppers do this but also some that had been sold to others.

Kurt Aebi
08-02-2005, 8:31 AM

I get $25-$30 for Slim-line Pens & Pencils, depending upon the styling and wood.

I get another $35 when I make a "boxed set" for people. I make my own boxes for the pen & pencil sets - I can use more figured stock that way.buy.

I get $20-$25 for silicone & cork bottle stoppers and $35-$40 for chorme ones.

Good Luck in your "venture"

John Hart
08-07-2005, 7:08 AM
I'm glad you're asking this question Ernie. I haven't had the nerve to sell anything yet since I don't feel like I have my finish figured out yet...But I also don't know what to charge. I think I've made about 20 pens so far and given them all away. I'd like to start selling them now. Sure would go a long way to supporting my habit!!!:rolleyes: