View Full Version : My Shaker Work Bench, in Progress

Jim Shaver, Oakville Ont
06-01-2003, 5:15 PM

Well today was a BIG day for my bench project, I was able to get the case glued and dowel pinned, the end is near I think. Right now it is resting in the shop, in clamps while I enjoy one of Molson’s finest.

My friend Bill Grumbine once wrote that if he were to meet his maker in the shop, it would not be the result of a tool injury, but that of the stress during a glue up……well it is true for me too, you should have seen the dancing and quick moves I was making putting this together this afternoon, it was simply exhausting and hard on the heart and brain….even though I practiced it twice.

I have attached a few pictures here for you to view, I went with dust panels, mostly because I felt it would help keep the drawers clean.

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pdd944889008deb4e8dda00e5a2b35b89/fc06bef7.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p61b617461de17e8056a1fa65b3fd99c2/fc06beee.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pc9d76dcc62f3ac110a4e8b09745af214/fc06bef0.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pccc1880e69b1e37d8d11454fd119d23e/fc06beeb.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/pdfbff279198bfad9ecf0a8e28139e860/fc06bee7.jpg">

Thanks for viewing

Take care,

Mac McAtee
06-01-2003, 5:20 PM
Great job, Jim. I agree about the timely demise. Please, and I am sure you will, keep us up to date on the progress.

Rusty Hughes, Indy
06-01-2003, 5:57 PM
Wow, I thought I accomplished something today just getting the yard mowed. But I like your accomplishment better.

Very well done.


Bill Esposito
06-01-2003, 5:59 PM

Looking great. I'm envious.......of the beer as well :)

Ken Wright
06-01-2003, 6:00 PM
If I keep seeing all these "work of art" benches I guess I'll have to build one even though I don't have a place for it ......

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-01-2003, 6:24 PM
Man Jim, you keep doing complicated glue ups like that and you are gonna have to train you an Octopus! I can see where you were pooped out after getting that glued and together! That should be an awesome bench.............plenty of room for all the important gear. I was wondering if you enjoyed a malted beverage before you started that bench, or if this part of the assembly drove you to drink! ;) Can't wait to see the finished product. :D

Jim Young
06-01-2003, 6:46 PM
That looks like a lot of work Jim. I agree with you about two things, the glue ups are stressfull and Molsons are enjoyable (even though they are not German). Did ya get to buy some more clamps for this project??:)

You guys keep posting these workbenches and I will have to break down and get after my own.

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
06-01-2003, 7:29 PM
Gee, Jim. This is right at the stage where I get so excited about finishing that I do a royal screw up. Don't do that on customer's work, but for myself I just can't stand it. It is going to be a classic, Jim.

Joe Tonich
06-01-2003, 8:17 PM
MAN thats gonna be a nice bench! I can see what you mean on the glue-up. I quit drinking a while ago but that might have got me going again. :D I can't wait to see the finished product!


Bruce Page
06-01-2003, 9:07 PM
That is going to be one beautiful bench Jim. You’re going to love all that storage. I’m looking forward to seeing it completed.

· Finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it finally disappears. -- Robert W. Sarnoff

Jim Izat
06-02-2003, 8:30 AM
Very nice work!

I have got to get to work on the drawers for mine.

Jim Izat

Mark Mazzo
06-02-2003, 9:23 AM
Hey Jim,

That bench is really looking good. Great job on the design and joinery. It looks massive...I hope that you have it in it's final resting place, otherwise you may need to bribe some friends with more Molson's to help you move it!

-- Mark

Bob Lasley
06-02-2003, 9:46 AM

At the rate you are going, you may have that bench done before the next hockey season, which is good as I don't know if I can wait another winter to see it done! :D

Those complicated glue ups is why I started using Titebond Extend which gives you a little more open time. I used it this weekend gluing up the crib sides involving 26 mortise and tenon joints per side.

Lookin' good!


Glenn Clabo
06-02-2003, 9:46 AM
Come on Jim...you didn't show your little lady apprentice holding all those parts for you while you pushed, pulled and squeezed things into place. You're slipping...

Nice to see that garage door open and green grass.

Lee Schierer
06-02-2003, 11:02 AM
I thought quick moves and lighting fast saves were all in a days work for you. Great looking bench Jim.

Are you watching the Cup??? The Ducks played a really good game Saturday night! Saw some great hockey!

Daniel Rabinovitz
06-02-2003, 11:38 AM
Woodworkers sure exhibit beautiful ballet moves during a glueup.
That workbench is sure going to be a beautiful exhibit of woodworking skill.
The photos are really great!

Robert Goodwin
06-02-2003, 1:17 PM

I followed the construction details on the Pond. I was hoping I didn’t miss the completion. I have been researching benches for some time now (once I discovered hand tools) Beautiful work as usual….
