View Full Version : This weekend's turnings

Kurt Aebi
08-01-2005, 1:22 PM
I turned a bottle stopper for my wife's uncle from a limb of an apple tree that her grandfather had planted. I decided to make something for her dad and his 3 brothers from this limb. Well her uncle from North Carolina was up last weekend and was admiring some of my wine bottle stoppers and I decided to make one from this limb for him.

I was supposed to be cleaning up the shop, but then I saw some wood sitting there and it called to me (a piece of box elder crotch), well I just had to turn a bowl rather than clean the shop.

Below are the pictures of the finished products.

Ernie Nyvall
08-01-2005, 8:05 PM
Nice work Kurt. Your wife's uncle should be very pleased.


Karl Laustrup
08-01-2005, 8:42 PM
Kurt, you're doing some great work.

I may have some more scrap soon if you're interested? Think I have some maple, jatoba, and cherry and maybe some hickory. Let me know.
