View Full Version : first two completed turning ( lidded boxes )

Michael J Evans
03-03-2015, 11:42 PM
Hi guy's ,
my first two actual completed and finished projects.nothing special compared to the work on here but im pretty proud of them :D... both are made out of a scrap fir 4x4 i had in the garage.the first box is the first two pics on the right, it actually began as a much different shape, got a little excited and managed to turn the lid to thin and when using the skew to cut a little bevel in the lid for my burn line i cut right through it, leaving me with about a perfect nice little ring and luckily i caught the rest of the before it fell off. the second box turned out much better imo,shape is better to me and i think the finish turned out a little better.both are finished in the dr's woodshop? walnut,wax mix.
sorry for the horrible pics,all i have is my phone and apparently my house has about the worst lighting ever.
anyways thought i post a couple pic's


David Hill
03-04-2015, 12:38 AM
Can't see the pics.

Michael J Evans
03-04-2015, 12:39 AM
huh, it will allow me to view the attachments...any idea's how to fix?

Michael J Evans
03-04-2015, 12:46 AM
hopefully that worked

Fred Belknap
03-04-2015, 6:05 AM
Those sure look great compared to my first turnings.

Randy Red Bemont
03-04-2015, 6:56 AM
Those are very nice and I like how the doug fir came out. I built a log home two years ago and I have a ton of fir scraps looking to be made into something. You gave me some good ideas. I never heard of that finish you used. Something to look into.


charlie knighton
03-04-2015, 7:45 AM
nice, thanks for sharing

Michael J Evans
03-04-2015, 11:29 PM
thanks for the kind comments, and randy im glad it gave you some idea's. im just to cheap to buy "nice" wood and was wanting to do my first lidded box, looked over and bam light bulb came on. as a Plus, i think it Fir fits regionally if that make's any sense, being in oregon and all. and The finish is doctors woodshop doc-104, bought it because of a recommendation from robo hippy i believe.it's a 1 step finish, prefect for the newb like me.

Rob Boesem
03-05-2015, 1:54 PM
Those are really nice boxes for first projects and you picked a difficult wood to turn as well....Good job!

Jeff Holoboski
03-05-2015, 2:34 PM
Nice first turnings for lidded boxes.I use Dr's Woodshop Pens Plus 108 for pens-I like it.You have the turning bug now.Thx for posting.

Michael J Evans
03-06-2015, 12:53 AM
i do have a question regarding what tool most use, in the tutorial's ive seen it seems like most of them are using 3/8 detail spindle gouge. i just used my 1/2" bowl gouge to do all of the hollowing and to make the walls parallel as thats all i have.is there an advantage of the detail gouge over the bowl gouge, beside's maybe being a little smaller?