View Full Version : La Espina Bowl

Hayes Rutherford
03-03-2015, 9:44 PM
Maple bowl about 10 x 7. Rough textured exterior, some stylized fish skeletons , pyro and dyed, walnut oil finish.

My grandmother would send me down to the lake to catch panfish like bluegill and perch. She would invite Aunt Daisy over for a fish fry and I was amazed how a blind woman could eat such boney fish. All that would be left on her plate was a little pile of clean skeletons. Fifty years later and I still seem to end up with a mouth full of bones if I eat similar fish.

C & C always welcome.

Steve Huffman
03-03-2015, 10:54 PM
Very creative design! Love that texture and the fishes are major bonus for me. Did you just paint brush the dye in place? Awesome job there Hayes and love
everything about it.

James Combs
03-03-2015, 11:28 PM
Love it. What kind of carving tool did you use, a Dremel or hand tools?

Michelle Rich
03-04-2015, 6:53 AM
:-) :-) love the story & the bowl!

charlie knighton
03-04-2015, 7:47 AM
Hayes, very nice work, loved the story

Hayes Rutherford
03-04-2015, 7:54 AM
James, I used an Arbortech with the 2" wheel. Bowl on lathe, resting Arbortech on tool rest.

Michelle, that is a funny memory. Another part of the story is aunt Daisy's daughter (aunt Clara) had to drive her and the only thing I remember about her is that she chain smoked. So far that hasn't given me any inspiration!

Steve, I used a tiny brush and put a little shellac in the alcohol soluble dye so it gets tacky quick and stays within the pyro'd lines.

Sid Matheny
03-04-2015, 8:38 AM
Great bowl & story and I love them both!

Wes Ramsey
03-04-2015, 9:54 AM
That is so cool!

Tom Borener
03-05-2015, 11:28 AM
Wonderful bowl Hayes!

Jim Seyfried
03-05-2015, 1:39 PM
Very cool bowl Hayes! Great story and nice memory for you.

Jeff Holoboski
03-05-2015, 2:38 PM
Nice story and great bowl.