View Full Version : Wood ID ?

jerry downey
03-03-2015, 4:50 PM
This is a goblet I turned from a tree that blew over down the street from me, I have no Idea what it is.
The wood is pink when you first cut it then soon turns orange, it is very fine grained and has no smell,
turns like butter. Anyone have any idea what it is?

Thanks Jerry

Mike Nathal
03-03-2015, 6:33 PM
Looks like Pear.

George Troy Hurlburt
03-03-2015, 7:17 PM
This is a goblet I turned from a tree that blew over down the street from me, I have no Idea what it is.
The wood is pink when you first cut it then soon turns orange, it is very fine grained and has no smell,
turns like butter. Anyone have any idea what it is?

Thanks Jerry

Looks like Bradford Pear.

jerry downey
03-03-2015, 7:27 PM
Thanks for the quick replies.

Dick Strauss
03-04-2015, 7:47 PM
I'm not really certain based on your pics.

We used to have an alder tree that acted exactly like what you mention when it was cut. The tree had small cones (about an inch or so long) with oval shaped leaves that were serrated around the edges.

Red alder is common in your area according to wiki so that may be it...?

George Overpeck
03-04-2015, 7:50 PM
Looks like alder to me also

Donny Lawson
03-04-2015, 7:52 PM
It is Bradford pear. I get it all the time and it turns great. Love this stuff.