View Full Version : Woodpecker Phenolic or Aluminum router plate?

Allen Bookout
07-31-2005, 11:07 PM
I am going to mount a Milwaukee 5625 3.5hp router in a table. I am considering a plate instead of just mounting it to the top with a predrilled hole as suggested by Pat Warner because it seems to me that it would be nice to close up the size of the hope when using smaller bits and opening it wide open for large bits.

I kind of like the WoodPecker plates but I do not know if I should use the TRL Phenolic Plate for $39.95 or go the full route and buy the Cast Aluminum plate for $79.95. Quite a difference in price!!!! Both plates can be ordered drilled for the 5625.

Has anyone used both or either of these plates and what is your opinion?

Thanks! Allen

Cecil Arnold
07-31-2005, 11:24 PM
Allen, I've got the Woodpeck lift which comes with the aluminum plate and think it is bullet proof. You will never get any sag in the plate, so if your table is stiff enough everything should stay flat forever.

john whittaker
07-31-2005, 11:36 PM
Allen, I have a phenolic plate. It's rock solid, tough and wood "glides" across it. I don't have an aluminum plate but have seen them. You are choosing between two of the best plate materials (IMHO) and will probably like either one. Good Luck.

Chris Padilla
08-01-2005, 1:07 AM
I have the WP PRL (precision router lift) and love it. I don't think you can go wrong with either one but I like metal in these cases....

James Biddle
08-01-2005, 8:37 AM
I have the phenolic plate and I worry about long term sagging since I leave the router in place all the time. Next one will be the aluminum.

Scott Loven
08-01-2005, 9:24 AM
A review a while back recommended a Woodpecker aluminum plate with screwed in rings as opposed to press fit rings. They said that the press fit rings are hard to pop out, and put back.

08-01-2005, 11:16 AM
I have an Woodpeck Al plate and a plungelift (with Al plate). Obviously I like them.
There is a tool to remove the inserts and sometimes they get a little sticky. The good news is that they fit tight and flat with the top of the plate. I think screws would be equally difficult to deal with.

Never seen or used the Phoenolic plates, but I'm sure they are nice also. The good news is that all Woodpeck plates are the same size. So, you can upgrade later (to Al or a lift) without changing your table. Some other brands don't make it so easy.


Steve Clardy
08-01-2005, 1:32 PM
I have three of Rocklers 1/4" aluminum plates. Very happy with them.

Allen Bookout
08-01-2005, 3:58 PM
Sounds like that aluminum is the way to go to be sure that there is never any distortion. The 5625 is about as heavy as they come so I know that I will sleep better. Oh well ----- what's another forty bucks! Thanks!!! Allen