View Full Version : Bloodwood peppermill

philip labre
03-01-2015, 4:40 PM
Went down into the shop intending to clean up a bit. Got distracted. 10" bloodwood with an aluminum band, CA finish and a Crushgrind mechanism. Did this before with copper and walnut, but I felt I had the band too high, so I lowered it this time. Think I may have gotten a little low. It's close, but it still seems a little off to my eye. I really like the metal wood contrast. Did a couple of metal core bangles last week. Cherry burl with stainless and hard maple burl with copper, CA finish. Just Iphone pics, photo tent is on the list.

Peter Fabricius
03-01-2015, 7:28 PM
I really like all three items. I use the same straight sided design on my Crush Grind Pepper Mills. Yes, your band could be a little higher but it looks fantastic just the way you have it!!!
Peter F.

Scott Ticknor
03-02-2015, 2:09 AM
I really like them as well, the Cherry burl and stainless remind me of a Bentley interior. Btw, I`m curious on the construction of the bangles. Do you have a How To article ?:D

philip labre
03-02-2015, 6:44 AM
Scott, I purchased the metal cores for the bangles from wildwood designs, the bangle guy. They have a tutorial on how to do their bangles. Once I get a chance to restore my metal lathe, I hope to be able to do the cores myself.
Peter, thanks for the compliment.

Jon Nuckles
03-02-2015, 11:12 AM
I really like the clean and modern look of the straight sides and metal band. It does make details like the placement of the band more important. You may be right that it is a tad low here, or maybe your comment before I looked at the picture just makes me think so.

Scott Ticknor
03-02-2015, 12:45 PM
Thanks for the link, We have a small metal lathe I think this would be a fun project .