View Full Version : Blade slippage with Veritas spokeshave?

Phillip West
02-28-2015, 10:31 PM
First off Im a sucker for spokeshaves..Always have been(grew up making chair rounds)..Im wanting to try a veritas low angle but to be honest Ive read so many posts and reviews about its problem with blade slippage it has me a little bit gun shy..Even read a post by Rob Lee on a british forum were he said the blade can slip:confused: I know ruffing the blade fix's it for a lot of owners but it seems many it does not..I like the design of the shave(like the Stanley razor edge) but Im curious as to your guys opinions on the blade clamping and if ruffing the blade has helped or not ?..thanks for your time..:)

Jim Belair
03-01-2015, 6:56 AM
Roughing the blade worked for me.

Phillip West
03-01-2015, 6:20 PM
Thanks, I appreciate it.

Howard Skillington
03-01-2015, 8:06 PM
I've never had that problem with mine. If I did I guess I'd first try cleaning the blade and chassis with something like acetone to make sure there is no oil on the metal to cause slippage.