View Full Version : Woodworking Shows

John Adank
02-27-2015, 8:47 PM
As a hobby woodworker, I was thinking of attending a wood working show to get a better look at some of the sliding table saws and larger band saws that I can't view locally. Can anyone make a suggestion on what may be the better show to attend for someone like myself? I was all set to go to the AWFS this year in July but now I'm wondering if the IWF would be a better fit for myself. I'm not sure on this as I've never attended one of these shows before. I would appreciate any advice form people who have attended both.


John A langley
02-27-2015, 9:54 PM
It's depends upon which city you want to go to both shows are pretty much the same it's pretty much a big boys playground I much prefer the show Atlanta there is just about everything there

Todd Hyman
02-27-2015, 10:45 PM
The two shows alternate every year and this year it's AWFS in Las Vegas, next year it's IWF in Atlanta.

John Sanford
02-28-2015, 1:36 AM
What they've already said. For all intents and purposes, from the hobbyist perspective, they're interchangeable. Go to whichever is closer/sooner. They are, as far as I know, the only shows that the big European companies show. I know that Hammer and Minimax have been at some of the true hobbyist shows, but don't think they've done it for quite some time.

Rich Riddle
02-28-2015, 2:33 AM
This topic surfaces from time-to-time and the general feeling of those who attend those is that they are NOT hobby friendly. Hopefully Erik will chime in on this topic. Here is the link from last year when that question was posed:


John Adank
02-28-2015, 6:58 AM
Ok, thank you for the helpful advice. It kind of sounds like they're both pretty similar in nature and I shouldn't expext much one on one interaction with some of the sales reps since I dont operate a large woodworking business. Thanks Rich for providing the helpful link. Sounds lik I may need to create a fictitious company as well just so I look legitimate and someone will take the time to answer my questions. It's too bad there isn't a woodworking conference that is kind of in the middle between the small business/hobby woodworker and the industrial. It's seems like it's one end of the spectrum or the other. The traveling wood working show that comes to Wisconsin and other states is decent but your always left wondering where some of the vendors aren't there. I remember going in 2013 because clear vue cyclone was listed as one of the exhibitors. All it ended up being was the drunken woodworker using one of the Cyclones and having a sign with clear vue cyclone on it. I was kind of dissapointed but really enjoyed the drunken woodworker. I'm really hoping to get a good look at some of the Felder/Hammer sliding table saws and Minimax bandsaws and table saws.

Carroll Courtney
02-28-2015, 7:17 AM
Where I live there is or was only one show then there may be one thats just popsup in smaller community centers.So here the choices are few and far between so go to all which will increase the options and hear from different people or sellers.Maybe if you have a local Woodcraft Supply or something similar,they may have a 20"BS or larger in their workshop that you can give it a try.Good luck and post pics of your purchase----Carroll

John Adank
02-28-2015, 7:26 AM
I wish the show in Vegas was now instead of July. It's -6 degrees F this morning and I'd love to go somewhere warm now. Vegas is pretty hot in July.

Jim Becker
02-28-2015, 2:33 PM
If you want to see and touch the "big gear" either AWFS or IWF are the ones to go to and yes, you're at the mercy of the alternate year schedule. Don't worry about the Vegas weather...you will not be spending much time at all outside! LOL These two shows are so large that a "normal human" cannot see all there is to see even in several days of constant walking. ;)