View Full Version : One of the hardest things I have ever done.

Dave Bartley
07-31-2005, 8:49 AM
On July 26th, I lost one of my best friends. Someone who was always here to just listen, never passed judgement on anyone. Always ready to help in anyway, yet never interferred.

I was asked to build a simple urn to contain the ashes. Nothing more than a simple box, mitered on 4 corners and on the top. The base was dado'd in to fit flush. A job that should have taken 30 minutes took over 4 hours. It is kinda hard to get much done with a tear in your eye and a big lump in your throat.

But what an honor to be asked to do something like this for a friend who was always there for everyone around her.

Gone, but never to be forgotten, my Mother-in-law, Lorraine Helen Koop.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-31-2005, 9:24 AM
Dave....my sympathies to you and your family at the loss of your Mother-In-Law. You might be a better man than I....I'm not sure I could have completed the project for the same reasons you found it difficult and time consuming.

Randy Moore
07-31-2005, 10:20 AM

My heart and prayers go to you and your family.
I lost my Dad about 2 years ago. I got most of his shop but every time I start to make something I get some tears in my eyes. I would have trouble finishing your project.


Richard Wolf
07-31-2005, 10:25 AM


Bernie Weishapl
07-31-2005, 10:30 AM
It is beautiful. Our hearts and prayers go out to you. I totally understand since it the last year and a half we lost my mother, her mother, and her stepmom. In between those we put her dad and my dad in a nursing home. I also got some of my dad's tools and it is hard to use them. I am not sure I could have completed your project.


Kelly C. Hanna
07-31-2005, 2:06 PM
Sorry for your loss...very nice box you made and congrats for getting it done in half the time it would take me under the same circumstances.

Keith Burns
07-31-2005, 2:51 PM
My thoughts and prayers for your loss. I lost my Dad in '92 and my Mom in '98. I build simple boxes for both of them. I actually kept my mom with me for a year before we buried her with my Dad and believe it or not we found it very comforting to have her around. This is the best thing you could have done.

Dan Forman
07-31-2005, 3:49 PM
Sorry for your loss Dave. As difficult as it was, I'm sure that building the box will be helpful to you in the grieving process. I lost my mother last fall, can appreciate what you are going through. Cherish her memory.


Vaughn McMillan
07-31-2005, 5:41 PM
Very nice urn, Dave, and very nice words in remembrance of the friend it's for. My deepest condolences to your wife and all her family (inlcuding you, of course).

- Vaughn

Robert Ziegler
07-31-2005, 6:03 PM
After reading your post,
A lump in the throat, a tear in the eye. Your story made me think of my dad and my own in laws.
Here's a tip of my cap in memory of your Mother in Law and a salute to you too.


scott spencer
07-31-2005, 6:28 PM
Sorry for your loss Dave....I'm sure she'd be really pleased with your efforts. It's looks great.

john whittaker
07-31-2005, 11:27 PM
Dave, What an honor to be asked to provide this special gift. I'm sure your family will appreciate it. I read your post this morning, and like so many others, was deeply touched.

I was reminded of loved ones who have passed, and while spending the entire rainy day in my shop, my mind kept going back top your post. Because you shared your story, I was repeatedly reminded of my father, which brightend up my day.

Condolences to you and your family,
Thank you.

George Robin
08-01-2005, 10:14 AM
Dave, sorry to hear of your loss. I t is an honor to do what you did. I should know, my mom asked me to build an urn for my dad who passed this April 17th. He is the reason why I joined this forum (and other woodworking forums) to learn more. I have tried to work on his urn several times, but I keep putting it aside. It is very difficult.

Thank you for sharing.

Donnie Raines
08-01-2005, 10:34 AM
Sorry for the loss as well. But I applaud you for your efforts...this was a very noble thing to do!