View Full Version : Router table extension for delta 36-725

Phil Barter
02-26-2015, 1:15 PM
Hello this is my first post. I'm new to woodworking and recently upgraded to the delta 36-725 from a crappy bench top table saw. I'm looking to upgrade my bench top router table. I was looking to put an extension wing on my table saw. Does anyone have this combo? Should I get a router table on its own? Can anyone suggest a router table extension for this saw? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Mike Schuch
02-26-2015, 1:48 PM
I had a router table in my table saw wing. It killed my back. An occasional cut was OK but doing a big project like rails and styles for doors the table height was just too low for my 6'3" frame.

I built a router table that is almost a foot taller than my table saw and it is MUCH nicer to use!

Other than the height I had no complaints about having a router table in my table saw. I made the table myself out of a piece of melamine on top of a piece of plywood.

Bruce Wrenn
02-26-2015, 8:11 PM
I'm in the router goes in the LEFT wing group. This way fed direction is same as sawing direction. I can route a profile on edge of piece,and then rip it off without having to walk around TS. Then repeat as needed.

Mike Snead
02-27-2015, 10:26 AM
There are a few examples I've seen over on lumberjocks.com...


scott spencer
02-27-2015, 4:26 PM
A stand alone router table has more advantages, but if you're short on space, a router table in the wing of a saw is a good space saver. Any standard 27" router wing should be able to fit in your saw. They're also fairly easy to make.

Bill McNiel
03-03-2015, 12:35 PM
308303FWIW, this is my TS/RT set-up. Torsion box top with p-lam surface serves as the runout for the TS, nice large RT surface and an additional very flat work area. Takes about a minute to remove RT fence. I don't have all that much shop area so multi-function stuff helps.