View Full Version : Shop made file handles

Daniel Rode
02-25-2015, 10:40 PM
I intended to make a couple of tapered octagon file handles. I scanned to blog posts by Steve Voigt Zach Dillinger and Joshua Klein figured it was a 30 minute no-brainer. Wow! was I ever wrong.

I wasn't sure how to lay them out, how to clamp, cut, chisel or plane them. Eventually, I got something that resembled a deformed octagon but more like a pair of unequal diamonds. The taper was not at all like the one I had in my mind and the file end was a bit too thin. I also wasn't sure how big to make the hole. Luckily, on 2 out of 3, the hole was well off center because I rushed.:confused: All-in-all, it was far more difficult than I anticipated.

I was forced to take them to the sander and round the edges until I got a handle shaped object. Despite not being able to get remotely close to the elegant tapered octagon, I still ended up with 3 usable file handles. I'm disappointed, but not discouraged.

I'm now on a mission to make nice tapered octagon handles.

Anyway, here's the sanded salvage handles. I wiped on 2 quick coats of shellac and I'll buff them with a little wax tomorrow. Despite their poor pedigree, they'll probably last a decade.


The little dark file at the bottom belonged to my grandfather. It's small and thin and takes a fine cut. It was old when I got it 30 years ago but it's a really useful size. I wish I could find a couple more like it but I never see thin files.

Winton Applegate
02-25-2015, 11:01 PM
I like to wire wrap them (you can buy them that way too but I wanted to see if I could make one and it came out great).
The one I made is the top one.
Note the solder on the wire wrapped ones.

Stew Denton
02-25-2015, 11:02 PM

I think that they look pretty darned good. Until reading the post, I thought that they were made on a lathe.


Daniel Rode
02-25-2015, 11:13 PM
The wire wrap is ingenious, Winton! It's always the right size. I'm going to shamelessly steal your idea (if you don't mind).

Winton Applegate
02-25-2015, 11:15 PM
Not my idea sir. Note the commercially made example just bellow mine. That is where I got the idea.
I had trouble finding more of them so had a make one.

Steve Voigt
02-25-2015, 11:41 PM
I intended to make a couple of tapered octagon file handles. I scanned to blog posts by Steve Voigt and Joshua Klein figured it was a 30 minute no-brainer. Wow! was I ever wrong.

They look good to me!
Er, just a slight correction…I think you meant blog posts by Zach Dillinger and J. Klein. I'm flattered about my imaginary post though! :p

Layout is the key to making good octagons. That, and working gradually from each side to make adjustments.
Lots of ways to lay out the octagon. I like to divide the side of the square by 2.414 to get the side of the octagon. But there are compass and divider methods that work well too.

Daniel Rode
02-25-2015, 11:47 PM
You're of course right, Steve. Your reply was what lead me to Zach and Joshua's blog posts.

Marvin Hasenak
02-26-2015, 12:05 AM
On Woodcarving Illustrated caving forum someone made a jig for 8 sided handles. Pretty slick little rig, easy to work with and you cut with a bandsaw then finalized by sanding with a belt sander. That forum has been down for a few days, but you might search it later in the week. I made a similar jig, but mine is in my shop in New Mexico or I could show you pictures. I use my jig to make 8 sided game calls with an oval shape added to it.

Jim Koepke
02-26-2015, 3:04 AM

For your first try without a lathe those look pretty good.


Judson Green
02-26-2015, 8:44 AM
Look better than mine for sure