View Full Version : Another Plane Question...

Derek Arita
02-20-2015, 6:33 PM
Here's another plane I inherited from the Father-in-law. It's a Bedrock, with #608 on it and about 23" long. I took it apart and just gave it a good brushing just to get rid of decades of dirt, sawdust and the like. It's been welded on the wide part of the sides, however with a good straight edge on the sole, I only see lite in the trailing 3"...maybe .002 to .005 worth. The mouth has some wear and looks a little chipped, but smooth.
Not being experienced with planes, I need to know anything you can tell me about sharpening, set up and adjustment of this plane. All the parts are there and seem to move smoothly, once they were cleaned up. By the way, it looks like it could use a good cleaning with lacquer thinner, but I'll wait for advice on that. Thanks for the help.http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h151/derekarita1/IMG_0806_zps0e7f4bd0.jpg (http://s63.photobucket.com/user/derekarita1/media/IMG_0806_zps0e7f4bd0.jpg.html)

Jim Koepke
02-20-2015, 6:50 PM
Before being able to making any comment on the mouth a picture would be needed.

If it isn't too bad, the plane will likely make a great user.

This is a flat top or square side Bedrock. The frog can be adjusted by loosening the two outside screws on the back of the frog and then using the center screw to move the frog. When the frog is in the desired position retighten the two outside screws.

The blade sharpening is up to you. My preference is for a pretty much straight grind. Others will suggest a camber of various radiuses.

I would try something less aggressive than lacquer thinner, maybe mineral spirits.

A dirty plane can do just as nice of work as a clean and shiny plane.

with a good straight edge on the sole, I only see lite in the trailing 3"...maybe .002 to .005 worth.

Unless it causes a problem in use, this isn't something to cause worries.


Derek Arita
02-20-2015, 7:12 PM
Here's the mouth...
http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h151/derekarita1/IMG_0809_zps8718290b.jpg (http://s63.photobucket.com/user/derekarita1/media/IMG_0809_zps8718290b.jpg.html)

Jim Koepke
02-20-2015, 7:16 PM
The mouth doesn't look too bad. If so desired a light touch up with a file would be okay.


Winton Applegate
02-20-2015, 10:28 PM
My gosh !
Look at the size of that sucker !
Paint it red and put some wheels on it and you could ride in it in the next parade as a fire truck.

The tough guy arm on the chair is perfect !
Pretty much represents the energy of this plane.
Was that intentional ?

Derek Arita
02-20-2015, 10:56 PM
My gosh !
Look at the size of that sucker !
Paint it red and put some wheels on it and you could ride in it in the next parade as a fire truck.

The tough guy arm on the chair is perfect !
Pretty much represents the energy of this plane.
Was that intentional ?
Funny! Didn't realize! Sure would be nice if I can get it up and running. It's a Bedrock alright.

Stew Denton
02-21-2015, 12:04 AM
Derek, I am thinking that some set up such a jointer plane with a camber such that the edges of the iron cut about 4 to 6 thousands shallower than does the center of the iron.



Lonnie Gallaher
02-21-2015, 1:05 AM
FYI, lacquer thinner will soften and remove the paint.

Derek Arita
02-21-2015, 10:28 AM
FYI, lacquer thinner will soften and remove the paint.

Will it also remove the Japanning?

Shawn Pixley
02-21-2015, 11:26 AM
It looks like it could be a fine user. I typically clean the japaning with soap and water. The metal I clean with WD40 and green scotchbright. I often strip and refinish the Tote and Knob. If I obsess about anything, it is the mating between the frog and the body. I clean and fettle it to get the best bearing surfaces possible. Mine are all users, not collector planes. I sharpen with a straight bevel. Others camber theirs. Either is fine.

When I use my jointer plane, it is my favorite. The pther planes complain that I say that to all of them.

Chuck Hamman
02-22-2015, 11:29 AM
It looks like it could be a fine user. I typically clean the japaning with soap and water. The metal I clean with WD40 and green scotchbright. I often strip and refinish the Tote and Knob. If I obsess about anything, it is the mating between the frog and the body. I clean and fettle it to get the best bearing surfaces possible. Mine are all users, not collector planes. I sharpen with a straight bevel. Others camber theirs. Either is fine.

When I use my jointer plane, it is my favorite. The pther planes complain that I say that to all of them.

I have a 608 that I inherited from my great uncle who was a home builder in the area for many years. Yours looks in better shape than mine was and as for clean up, do just as Shawn suggests.

I love my 608 and I use it all the time.