View Full Version : Crushed Stone

Ernie Nyvall
07-28-2005, 6:57 PM
Does anyone have a good source for crushed stone.


Gary Max
07-28-2005, 7:58 PM
Arizona Silhouette----Bill Baumbeck
I buy a bunch of my stuff from him---You can do a search and find his web site has all the phone #'s
Hope that helps.

Bruce Volden
07-28-2005, 7:59 PM
Ernie, try this link. I haven't purchased from here YET. I bought the REAL stone and crushed it myself, when I use it all up I WILL be buying from these folks.



Ernie Nyvall
07-28-2005, 8:33 PM
Thanks Gary and Bruce. Looks like you both are talking about the same place.

Bruce, did it not work out for you crushing your own?


Bruce Volden
07-28-2005, 9:32 PM

It worked out fine crushing my own, didn't work out so fine for the dog's stainless steel dish tho'. I think you (and I) will be better served buying pre-crushed stone as it eliminates a lot of mess and saves much time. Also you can buy it already "graded" in differing grits--this I wouldn't want to attempt as I ended up with everything from dust to small rocks!! All in all it was a learning experience and fun and it WORKED! Bruce

Ernie Nyvall
07-28-2005, 9:55 PM

It worked out fine crushing my own, didn't work out so fine for the dog's stainless steel dish tho'. I think you (and I) will be better served buying pre-crushed stone as it eliminates a lot of mess and saves much time. Also you can buy it already "graded" in differing grits--this I wouldn't want to attempt as I ended up with everything from dust to small rocks!! All in all it was a learning experience and fun and it WORKED! Bruce

I hear what you are saying Bruce, but you know how it is when you got a bright idea, and I don't think I'm going to be satisfied until I try it. Where did you get the rocks to crush. I found some, but they cost more than the crushed stuff by a long shot, and of course I'm not going to go through the trouble and more expense.


Glenn Hodges
07-29-2005, 6:28 PM
Ernie, I use a metal mortise and pestel that I bought from a guy that does prospecting. A good method to crush rocks for inlaying is to get a metal pipe about 10 inches long or what ever, and screw a cap on one end, then get another smaller in diameter but longer and have a cap on it. Use the second to slide down into the first to crush the rock which has been inserted into the first. This way the rock does not fly every where when you are crushing it. I believe it will work better than the method I have. Get rock from rock shops, flea markets, ebay, etc....good luck. Just make sure the rock is not to hard.

Bruce Volden
07-29-2005, 7:39 PM
Ernie, I called and spoke with the owner http://www.greatsouth.net/ , a very nice fellow! He stated he has been getting a tremendous amount of business from people who are doing this (rock crushing/inlaying). He turned me over to a gal and I had her send me $50.00 worth of different colored stone, some were quite big 4"+! Anyway, like Glen stated, tell them they need to be softer than 6 mohs (hardness scale) so you can sand them down.

Glen, where were you several months ago with your pipe suggestion!!That's what my dog wants to know!!! HAHA Bruce

Ernie Nyvall
07-29-2005, 8:02 PM
Ernie, I use a metal mortise and pestel that I bought from a guy that does prospecting. A good method to crush rocks for inlaying is to get a metal pipe about 10 inches long or what ever, and screw a cap on one end, then get another smaller in diameter but longer and have a cap on it. Use the second to slide down into the first to crush the rock which has been inserted into the first. This way the rock does not fly every where when you are crushing it. I believe it will work better than the method I have. Get rock from rock shops, flea markets, ebay, etc....good luck. Just make sure the rock is not to hard.

Thanks Glenn. I had that very method in mind except I came across a 3' steel rod that is 2" in diameter, and fits nicely into a pipe. It was free too. That ought to give me the weight and control of the flying rock as you wrote of.


Ernie Nyvall
07-29-2005, 8:13 PM
Ernie, I called and spoke with the owner http://www.greatsouth.net/ , a very nice fellow! He stated he has been getting a tremendous amount of business from people who are doing this (rock crushing/inlaying). He turned me over to a gal and I had her send me $50.00 worth of different colored stone, some were quite big 4"+! Anyway, like Glen stated, tell them they need to be softer than 6 mohs (hardness scale) so you can sand them down.

Glen, where were you several months ago with your pipe suggestion!!That's what my dog wants to know!!! HAHA Bruce

Thanks Bruce. I came across that site a few months ago, but from what I could tell, their prices, on turquoise anyway, were much higher than $10/oz. Maybe I should call them as you did. Maybe they have some rough stuff that is not on the site,


Adam Howard
08-02-2005, 10:00 AM
try www.turtlefeathers.com (http://www.turtlefeathers.com)