View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
02-16-2015, 12:29 AM
16 Feb 2015

It's been a busy week for me on the day job and I had a long time customer come and drop off a furniture piece that he wants redone for his daughter. I am planning on starting that this week. Been busting up some more firewood to try and make it through the rest of winter and now we are getting freezing rain and sleet. I guess we'll see how this goes.

Started working with a buddy of mine on building a couple of 1962 Fender Strat guitars...one for him and one for me. I've always wanted to build a guitar or bass and he finally talked me into it. We got the templates figured out, glued them to some 1/2" MDP and cut them out and started sanding. The next time we meet, we will route all the holes necessary in the templates and get the templates finalize so we can start laying out and cutting real wood for the instruments. I'm excited about this as it is an item on my bucket list.

So much to do and so little time as I always say. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Brian W Smith
02-16-2015, 7:23 AM
About 3 months ago a customer was moving and gives me a very nice round,mahogany,dropleaf tea table.Only thing "wrong" with it was a big honkin round water mark/stain from a potted plant,top dead center?

The table sat in the shop over the holidays,heck we even used the thing for a cpl getogethers.It was one of those questions of do we/don't we,"refinish"?I finally made the executive decision to just do the top,and not touching the spindle turned,very delicate,gateleg style supports.So over a period of a week or so,the top got stripped,did a real nice job of hand sanding,and subsequently shooting some toned lacquer....all was good.But,it sat in the shop gathering dust because I didn't really have a place for a tea table.....I don't drink tea.

Well,this w/end was doing house cleaning chores and found the perfect spot for this pretty little table.Dosen't sound like much but it is.Doing the work was fast and fun.....but what do you do with something like this?It was a gift so I'm not gonna sell it..........It has a collection of Deer antlers on its semi gloss top now,and it sits right outside my reloading rm. like it was meant to be there.

Rich Riddle
02-16-2015, 8:18 AM
The idea for this mantel came from a drawing on the internet. A steel ruler marked with 1/128th markings allowed for this to be extrapolated to it's current size. It's almost exact to scale of the drawing. A couple of tiny pieces aren't in the picture, but you get the idea. It's red oak and will be stained/finished next weekend.


Chris Hachet
02-16-2015, 9:50 AM
The idea for this mantel came from a drawing on the internet. A steel ruler marked with 1/128th markings allowed for this to be extrapolated to it's current size. It's almost exact to scale of the drawing. A couple of tiny pieces aren't in the picture, but you get the idea. It's red oak and will be stained/finished next weekend.


Very nice professional looking work!

Chris Hachet
02-16-2015, 9:53 AM
I got the top to the new workbench mostly laminated, the wood for a table I am building (internal components/drawer supports) hand planed to final thickness and smoothed, all of my shop tools are re sharpened, and the wood is partially roughed to size for another piece of furniture I want to build.

Rich Riddle
02-16-2015, 10:04 AM
Very nice professional looking work!
Picking the right boards was most of the project. The neighbor mentioned how lucky it was that the horizontal piece just happened to have the design exactly in the middle, luck indeed.

Jim Becker
02-16-2015, 11:51 AM
No actual woodworking this weekend (or much else of everything) since it was colder than the north end of a southbound polar bear...but I did have a fellow stop by to check out my MiniMax equipment...he's considering a buy and wanted to see some products in-person.

Brad Swanson
02-16-2015, 12:22 PM
Made progress on milling the ash that will make-up the top slabs of my split-top roubo. I'm quite sore from hauling all of those long 8/4 boards around to the chop saw, table saw, band saw and jointer. Its my first big WW project, and I'm happy to say my shop is now a real mess. Looks proper now.

Chris Hachet
02-16-2015, 12:52 PM
Made progress on milling the ash that will make-up the top slabs of my split-top roubo. I'm quite sore from hauling all of those long 8/4 boards around to the chop saw, table saw, band saw and jointer. Its my first big WW project, and I'm happy to say my shop is now a real mess. Looks proper now.

Ash will make a really nice bench.

Shawn Pixley
02-16-2015, 1:15 PM
Saturday was our Anniversary. I spent most of the day cleaning out / reorganizing the garage / shop. We had a nice anniversary dinner. Yesterday was a bit more of the same. In addition, I tried to track down a small upright freezer to replace our larger chest type. Ending up ordering it on line.

Jonathan Freinkel
02-16-2015, 2:44 PM
I "Upcycled" an old HVAC blower that I kept when the system at my house was replaced. I wasnt sure what to do with it.. until this weekend.

I took the blower out of it and designed a box (using the old front and rear plates) to seat the housing.
I now need a 20x25 filter for the top and a switch (ordered already) and then I should have a little shop filtering unit

Ironically I felt like hell after cutting MDF without it... so I also bought a respirator

And ran some conduit to get rid of the last extension on the shop floor.