View Full Version : Laguna 3HP Mobile Cyclone

Marty Tippin
02-12-2015, 11:47 AM
Looking at this Laguna 3HP mobile cycle dust collector http://www.lagunatools.com/accessories/dustcollectors/dustcollector-cyclone3m# - actually looking at a used model in a local sale, but curious if anyone has this same model or knows anything about it.

Primarily comparing this vs a brand new Grizzly 3HP cyclone, the money is similar but I think the Laguna has more power.

Any info would be appreciated!

mike mcilroy
02-12-2015, 5:08 PM
From what I have read the Laguna will not separate the fines as well because the cyclone portion is shorter. Something to consider if you are concerned about the health end not just shop cleanliness end.

Peter Aeschliman
02-12-2015, 5:35 PM
Like any dust collector, it will work great until the filters get clogged... then the DC will move less air, collecting less dust, and cause you to breathe more if it in.

Even with the best separators, you will eventually have to clean the filters. Worse separators mean you have to clean them more often. I have never used the cyclone you're referring to, so I can't speak to its separation efficiency. However, by its appearance, it seems to violate many of Bill Pentz's rules. So if you're a "Pentzian", you might conclude that the Laguna won't perform well in terms of fine dust separation efficiency.

In which case, you will have one of two choices:

1) Clean your filter often in order to keep the performance at an adequate level,
2) or breath more fine dust

If you choose door #1, then you should be good to go. All it means is more hassle. But I suspect that most people who expect to do #1 often get sick of the cleaning routine and go longer than they should between cleaning the filters, which means they eventually default to #2... which isn't good for your lungs.

I suppose option #3 is to remove the filter and vent the fine dust outside, but since you're talking about a portable setup, that might not be feasible.

Good luck!

John Huds0n
02-12-2015, 7:44 PM
I have one, I like, and if I had to replace it for some reason - I would buy another one!

I do have the JDS version - I think the only difference is the color. Mine is blue

Yes, the "cyclone portion is shorter" - but that is one of the main reasons why I bought it - the overall height

Mine appears to be well made, is easy to move around and is practically vibration free. The remote works well and I have never had any problem with the suction. Some fines will make it through to the filter - but to compensate, JDS/Laguna has an automatic beater bar feature. When ever you turn the machine off, a short time later a separate motorized "beater bar" will turn on to clean the filter. (Actually, that is the only thing I don't like about it - it makes a heck of a noise when the beater is running)

Robert Payne
02-12-2015, 8:34 PM
IMHO, any cyclone filter set that comes with a built-in filter beater system leads me to believe the cyclone separation is knowingly inefficient. I know from personal observation that the filters on ClearVue Cyclones (a Pentz design) need infrequent cleaning (once every few months at the most). Just saying...

John Huds0n
02-12-2015, 8:54 PM
IMHO, any cyclone filter set that comes with a built-in filter beater system leads me to believe the cyclone separation is knowingly inefficient. I know from personal observation that the filters on ClearVue Cyclones (a Pentz design) need infrequent cleaning (once every few months at the most). Just saying...

Great - what do you do when you do not have the height to install a ClearVue or similar design cyclone???????

mike mcilroy
02-12-2015, 9:27 PM
From the OP

"Primarily comparing this vs a brand new Grizzly 3HP cyclone, the money is similar but I think the Laguna has more power.

Any info would be appreciated! "

Marty Tippin
02-12-2015, 11:04 PM
I'm not particularly worried about 100% perfect filtration - anything will be better than the 1.5hp grizzly portable unit I have now. I'm a casual hobbyist and don't spend enough time in the shop to be concerned about a little dust.

The Laguna cyclone I'm looking at was purchased new and used for 6 months or so in a commercial sign shop but wasn't big enough to meet their needs. So I have no idea as to the condition of the filter media.

How can I evaluate the filter to know whether it still has useful life?

Hoping to pay under $1k, vs $2300 new. Think I'll take a chance on it unless there are any obvious issues.

mike mcilroy
02-12-2015, 11:25 PM
I know there has been discussion about gadgets to test the flow but I think if you can get this for under 1k you could probably take the risk and worst case spend $250-$300 for a Wynn replacement and still be ahead of the game. My new Grizzly 3HP was $1575 before taxes and delivery. Good luck but don't wait too long. I had a shot at the same machine I bought with ductwork for less than what I paid just list price. It was Xmas and I left it for 2 days. Gone :(

Lee Reep
02-12-2015, 11:48 PM
I have the 2HP Laguna in my small basement shop, and it works well, no leakage (I do not even see any dust collecting on the top or sides or around the lids/gaskets).

it is also very quiet.

Phil Thien
02-13-2015, 9:33 AM
IMHO, any cyclone filter set that comes with a built-in filter beater system leads me to believe the cyclone separation is knowingly inefficient. I know from personal observation that the filters on ClearVue Cyclones (a Pentz design) need infrequent cleaning (once every few months at the most). Just saying...

Well that depends on use (run hours and type of work being performed).

Steve Knight uses his enough (CNC router) that he tossed the cartridge filters and built a plenum and uses 4-5 giant bags, because the cart. filters plugged rather quickly.

You give me any cyclone and a drum or wide-belt sander and I'll show you how fast I can load your filters.

Marty Tippin
02-13-2015, 4:57 PM
I ended up passing on the Laguna cyclone, turns out the shop fabricates metal signs and was (trying, unsuccessfully) to use it in conjunction with their laser engraver to suck up the fine powder residue from the engraving. The canister filter was, as near as I can tell, completely plugged with the finest black "soot" you've ever seen.

I priced out a replacement filter canister from Laguna and made them an offer that accounted for that cost, but they didn't go for it -- at least not immediately. The cyclone is practically new - purchased 6 months ago and used for only a few months until they figured out it would never work correctly. So there can't be too much(!) wrong with it other than the filter. I may reconsider if they call back and want to accept my offer...