View Full Version : Wave style bracelet tutorial

Tim Boger
02-08-2015, 2:33 PM
I'm looking for a tutorial to learn how to cut and glue the blanks for this type of design, I have the turning part squared away.

Anyone know where I can get the info?

Thank you,


Wes Ramsey
02-09-2015, 11:27 AM
After looking at some of John Beaver's pieces I've tried to work out in my head how to go about doing such a thing. I don't know how he does it, but I kinda thought out one way to do it where you can leave the wood in the chuck. It would require mounting the chuck on a threaded shaft. The opposite end of the shaft would pivot on a pin so you could present the wood to the bandsaw blade on a fixed arc. For what I'm imagining, the shaft would need to be drilled with multiple holes along the length to increase/decrease the size of the arc simply by putting the pin in a different hole in the shaft, and a simple MDF template with a variety of pin holes would allow you to bring the wood closer to or further away from the saw blade. I would use a piece of all-thread for the pivot pin so I could use a hex nut to keep the shaft from walking up and down the pin while cutting. If the wood needs to be rotated and you can't turn it in the chuck for whatever reason you could just shim the chuck. And with a tilt table you could cut the arcs at an angle, which would be even cooler.

It's one way to do it anyway. I'd love to try it, but I don't have the materials handy. Or a bandsaw :)

John Beaver
02-09-2015, 5:27 PM
The basic concept is pretty simple, but the execution requires some tricks. I plan on doing a tutorial one day but just haven't had the time. I post here when I get it written up.


Tim Boger
02-09-2015, 8:44 PM
Thanks John,

I'll be looking forward to that.


Michelle Rich
02-10-2015, 2:44 AM
you could do it with a bandsaw & laminate.

Tim Boger
02-10-2015, 8:19 AM
Morning Michelle,

This is a pic of the jig that is required, I got it built but haven't had a chance to cut and glue anything as yet.

Thank you for your comment.

you could do it with a bandsaw & laminate.

Thom Sturgill
02-10-2015, 8:33 AM
The good thing is that you get two bangles at once if you use different woods like the picture. I can see using a similar jig to sand the convex half, then temporarily mounting the sandpaper on it to sand the concave half.