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View Full Version : :( Mann!!!

Clark Pace
02-07-2015, 6:02 PM

So I had a little fire. Not big, but the little flame was enough to be right over one of my bearings. Which melted a bit. So now lines are not straight or circles perfectly round. When it hits that un-even part the laser head wobbles a bit. Well I sanded the bearing down a bit. Now it's better, but still not how it was.

I have a redsail x700. Do any of you know of a place the sells bearings.


Bert Kemp
02-07-2015, 9:17 PM
cant you get them from redsail? also lightobjects might have them

Clark Pace
02-07-2015, 9:45 PM
cant you get them from redsail? also lightobjects might have them

Well, yes I should be able to. But you know it takes longer from china!