View Full Version : Interesting wood, Questionable turning

Paul Williams
02-02-2015, 6:30 PM
I have a friend who brings me unusual pieces of wood when he cuts wood for burning. Some should be left in the burn pile. This piece just insisted that I try to figure out how to turn it. What I received was a 14x24 piece that looked like a smooth blister on the outside of a tree. It was less than1 inch thick at the ends and 6 inches at the center of the blister. It was hollow on the inside but contained a growth that looked like a root growing in one side of the hollow space. I cut a 12 inch bowl blank around the hollow space. I used a large amount of hot meld glue to attach it to a piece of plywood with a glue block and faceplate. It looked like this after turning the outside and removing from the plywood:


That growth did not help the balance one bit. Most of the inside was rotten but the growth was very hard. It also extended into my tenon as you can see in the finished photos. The patch is epoxy, coffee grounds and some sawdust. It is not a particularly good job of turning, or finishing, but it was fun and the wood is interesting.

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Allan Ferguson
02-02-2015, 7:32 PM
Some pretty wood and a lot of work done. Allan

robert baccus
02-02-2015, 10:46 PM
Pretty wood and you deserve a medal for getting a bowl out of it.

David Hill
02-03-2015, 12:53 AM
I think it looks really good---considering the provenance.
When you get something nice out of a gnarly blank you appreciate it more. Don't give up on the gnarly ones!