View Full Version : Grizzly Go441 Cyclone install tips for solo install

mike mcilroy
02-02-2015, 2:23 AM
305761305762305763Someone mentioned if there were no pic's it didn't happen so here they are. The heaviest part is done, by myself I might add.
With the motor and impeller assembly starting on my shop made router table I used a heavy duty tie down and a homemade frame of 2x4s with a metal bar with a PVC pipe at the top as a pulley.
The only real problem was more tedious than problem. The tie downs are not meant for the amount of travel I was asking so the reel would fill up I, then I would have block under the impeller housing to empty the tie down reel and start over. Very time consuming but when you're working at it between midnight and three in the morning by yourself you make do. A winch or come along would have been perfect. Not enough space for chain fall.
The intake barrel was lifted one handed and one bolt was added one handed on opposite sides. Once one bolt was in it was easy, however you have to snug up the barrel to mark for a mounting bracket then remove add the bracket then re-install the barrel. Again more tedious than hard. Cyclone is added one handed until the first bolt is attached.
Another trick I used was for lining up the gaskets between the barrel and impeller, cyclone. Some have suggested taping the gasket in place with a few strips of painters tape but I thought there was a chance the tape could be a spot where a leak might happen. Instead I just put the gasket in roughly the right location for the bolt holes then after getting the first bolt in I used a small diameter dowel to line up the gasket with the bolt holes.
All in all not the most efficient way to do this install but it does show it can be done solo if need be.
My electrician friend will wire it up Tuesday. I left the filter off for easier access to the motor for him.
Next the duct work.
Also included some pics of what occupied my time on Sunday other than the game.
Figures. The file up load manager keeps giving me an error saying the upload has failed. The pics are Jpeg so I don't know what the issue is.
I'll search the site for tips and try to repost.:confused:
Found the tips on site. Emailed the pics to myself to reduce size of file.:D