View Full Version : Grizz G0586 8" jointer

thomas prevost
07-25-2005, 8:37 PM
The Grizzly 8x75" jointer model G0586 I ordered back in March finally arrived. What a machine for $625!!! Fit and finish are surpurb. It was completely tuned at the factory or Grizz's wharehouse. Checked it three ways to Sunday. Both infeed and outfeed were perfectly level with each other. I could not slide a .001 feeler guage any place under my friends 32" machinist straight edge. The tables slide up and down very easily with no chatter.
I like the ON/Off located on a post above the table. Easy to shut off if an emergency arrises.

6"x 4' maple planed like I was doing cherry. Smooth cutting with no vibration. Looks like the mainland Co.s being extra carefull with the first shipments to guarantee a long term commitment.

As a chronic whiner about quality of tools being manufactured in the last few years, I have to step back and say I am completely impressed!

joseph j shields
07-25-2005, 9:11 PM
Hey Tom,

I have been seriously thinking about getting that unit for $625....

BUT, I visited the Griz store in PA a couple of months ago and looked at their jointers. I noticed that their fence, although beefy, seemed to move quite easily (even after the salesman tightened down everything) NOTE they didn't have your machine on the floor...it was the other 8" machine for about $685??

Have you noticed this with your fence???

Have you used any other jointers??? How do they compare to the G??

Any other thoughts, comments....?



M Toupin
07-25-2005, 9:23 PM
Just got mine last week also and agree completely on the excellent value for the price. Fit and finish was very acceptable and the important mechanical stuff is perfect on mine also. In short, I’m very happy with the machine itself.

Joseph, I haven’t noticed any problems with the fence, it’s fairly beefy and moves easily. It’s solid once locked down. IMO it’s an excellent value for the price. A jointer is a pretty simple machine, two flat tables and a spinning cutter head. As long as everything is flat and lines up correctly there’s really no difference in the basic operation form manufacturer to manufacturer.

The only complaint I have is with all the drama and hassles I had with Grizzly on this purchase.:mad:


thomas prevost
07-25-2005, 9:58 PM
I have an ancient 6" Delta with the lock on the end (my Dad's) and have used the Jet 6". The fence appears beefer than the Jet. It locked down tight. The single way that it rides back and forth on is cut to very close tolerances. Tighter than the Jet. If need be, there is a second hole behind the first lock that a second lock could be used. But it was so rigid with the one lock, I cannot see why anyone would want to use the second. The whole mechanism moved very easily. One finger on the wheel.

The fit and finish as well as the machining appear to as good if not better than the DJ20 I have seen in the local store.

Downside:It has a Chinese motor and I have no knowledge about the quality of the bearings. But it is close to 1/3 the cost of the DJ20. If the motor goes sometime after warrantee, I can get a Baldor motor on Ebay and still be ahead.

Steve Elias
07-26-2005, 12:24 PM
Thanks for the quick review. I think this may be the next shop upgrade for me.

Does anyone know if Grizzly will release this machine with a Byrd cutterhead (or the like)? I know their other 8" jointer comes with one. I also know that I could simply order a replacement cutterhead, but it might be more economical for me to simply wait for the 586 w/Byrd style cutters. Thanks.


John Dingman
07-26-2005, 1:19 PM

I cancelled my order after I kept getting emails delaying the delivery date. Maybe I'll have to order one again.


thomas prevost
07-26-2005, 1:35 PM
They will be offering the Byrd probably early next year. When asked I got the reply" Let us get any bugs on this worked out before we expand the accessories and additional products." They also noted they were investigating a disposable spiral blade. It sounded similar to the one offered by Wilkes. But not sure as they already sell Disposa-blade. It may be an upgrade of their products.

Given this is their first big machine product manufactured in mainland China. I like the approach of going slow vs having a whole bunch of junk to dump(although the delay time was very fustrating).

Steve Elias
07-26-2005, 2:23 PM
Thank you, Thomas, for the information. Now, do I wait or do I simply order the 586 now and upgrade the head later? I think I know the answer... :rolleyes:


Jeff A. Smith
07-26-2005, 2:44 PM
Given this is their first big machine product manufactured in mainland China. I like the approach of going slow vs having a whole bunch of junk to dump(although the delay time was very fustrating).

What? Are you sure about that? I have no firsthand knowledge, but I find that hard to believe. They've never had a machine manufactured in mainland China? I thought that's where even their 12 and 16-inch jointers were made. Like I said, though... I don't know for sure, so I'm asking.

Jeff Smith
Athens, AL

thomas prevost
07-26-2005, 4:04 PM
I am like you, I have no first and knowledge, except what I have read in the journals and their comments. It was my understanding that they had much of their hand tools made on the mainland and their heavy machinery in Tiawan. BUT I CAN EASILY BE WRONG.
Bill Crufett from Grizzly monitors this forum. Perhaps he could correct any wrong and misleading info as I do not wish to mislead anyone.

Scott Coffelt
07-26-2005, 11:23 PM
According to Papa Grizzly on Woodnet, he says that these new units are mfrd in China but to Tiawan specs and processes.

Don Baer
07-26-2005, 11:38 PM

Where are the PIC's. NO Pic's No Gloat.
