View Full Version : Silly question...When does a job become a "commission"?

Joe Unni
07-24-2005, 8:19 AM
Hey all,

Is commission a term woodworkers use to say they've been awarded a really good contract or does a client say to a woodworker, "I commission you..."?

I know is sounds a bit silly, but I've heard this term for years and never really knew when it gets applied and now I'm asking.

Any insight would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance,

Kelly C. Hanna
07-24-2005, 9:08 AM
As far as I know a commission is a retainer fee for someone to build you something....like artists that get commissioned to paint murals and such. I just call it getting hired...:D:D:D

Lynn Sonier
07-24-2005, 9:32 AM
If its a commission, I usually charge more!

Ellen Benkin
07-24-2005, 12:34 PM
A commission is what I call something I make for someone who asked for it (and usually paid for the materials, at least) when I want to impress other woodworkers!

Steve Evans
07-24-2005, 12:53 PM
If I can't afford to buy it, it's a commission, otherwise it's a job.


Ian Barley
07-24-2005, 1:16 PM
I have always considered that a commission in this sense is when a client requests that you build something specifically for them, to a design you have agreed with them. It is not about the value of the item - it is about the fact that it is built specifically for that customer.

Jim Becker
07-24-2005, 1:21 PM
I have always considered that a commission in this sense is when a client requests that you build something specifically for them, to a design you have agreed with them. It is not about the value of the item - it is about the fact that it is built specifically for that customer.

I am in agreement with Ian here with the caveat that I generally think of a commision relative to a specific object/item rather than something like building a whole kitchen...'kinda from the "art" perspective, rather than general cabinetry. But that's just me and many folks who do custom rooms consider them to be commissions, too, and they are correct in doing so. I suspect that if I were in the biz and doing such work, I'd also call it a commission! ;)