View Full Version : need recommendation for sliding table saw (minimax elite vs tecnomax S315)

rodrigo sosa
01-10-2015, 4:46 PM
Hi everybody, really new here, glad if you can throw me your views on this subject, much appreciated
I was in the process to acquire a cabinet saw until... read Jim's post about his recommendation on a euro style sliding, was instantly sold, really, forget the unisaw et al

Anyway, my quest took me to learn the euro style seems more popular in my home country among the pros (uruguay), but the really proficient ones must clarify

I can instantly put my hands for the same price: $ 4800 + taxes (which can be deducted, this is a big plus from this private seller) for a
Tecnomax S315 WS

or a Minimax S 315 Elite S


For reference, the minimax elite saw is available new at:




Why the price difference? $ 8.995 the cheaper one, considering import taxes (14%) and freight charges, the above equation is doing even more sense
As a side note a chinese knock off contractor style runs about $ 1400 (yeah... crazy stuff)

From minimax website: an improvement on our S315 WS platform, the new S315 Elite S is a heavy duty slider without the heavy duty price tag
This means the 'new' minimax is really the Tecnomax under a united brand name? Read that Tecnomax>Minimax as in Felder>Hammer, is that the case?

Anyway, yesterday went to inspect both slidings, here are my notes:

Both 3 Ph (a plus for me)
Both need adjustment on the ruler, but just a little, easy adjustment
Both perform really well on cutting and both sliding carts have no noticeable wobble whatsoever and slide smoothly, this is the heart of the machine right?
Both vibration free and turned disc by hand when both were off, couldnt notice wobble and both turned smoothly
They have good repeatability about 0.5 mm each time, enough for wood right? The cuts are straight

Supposed to be by about 1.5 - 2 years older than the minimax
Cart surface shows more signs of use (some scratches)
Cart side surface (next to cutting disc) has a small cut/dent
Angle indicator missing in the machine, somewhere in the shop, can get it from the minimax and install in the tecnomax
Buttons are outside machine, owner did this to hang the buttons, easy re routing the buttons inside machine properly
Parallel fence has a deeper disc groove than the one in the minimax (again can ask to swap the parallel fence, no prob)
Noticed the table behind the cutting disc (white attachment) is bigger in the Tecnomax, not that I care much since will do the Router integration as Jim did

Less scars on sliding cart
Deeper cut/dent on the side next to disc
Plastic side cover is missing, "should be somewhere in the shop" (?)
Owner did a nasty mod with a switch on the side (why oh why people do this?)

What do you say? which one is more appealing? are really both the same same sliding or in fact the tecnomax has more 'heavy iron' under the hood?

Final comments, upgrading from a chinese knock off (from father) to this non vibrating, straight cutting big surface is a dream!
Btw, seller, which is a pro, says he is selling all three sliding table saws because he is buying an automated loading and cutting machine, he got tired of fights between employees and the magic disappearances of tools (like a Festool 700 domino, ouch!) Sad story



Jim Andrew
01-10-2015, 7:35 PM
That Minimax for 4800 even including taxes sounds like a steal. I had an interest in a shop a few years ago that had a SCMi saw, similar to the Minimax, same company, and it is still running fine every day. Have found in the US that as soon as you have a new piece of equipment delivered, it is worth half of what you paid for it.

rodrigo sosa
01-10-2015, 7:41 PM

Both are performers for sure, what about the inner parts? Any insider comments to make? Which one was made with more 'industry' focus or just get either one?

David Kumm
01-10-2015, 8:16 PM
Erik will cime in with the real scoop but I think the Technomax is just a little older version and the main difference is in name. Both Minimax and basically the same model. Dave

Jim Becker
01-10-2015, 9:14 PM
The first one pictured is the same generation as mine. The second one is a little newer by a year or three based on the graphics. The current version has a lot more "red" in the logos. They are both "MiniMax" which is part of SCM...."Technomax" is yet another marketing name. Same general machine. Erik Loza could probably provide you with more detailed guidance on that, however.

Do they both have the same cutting length capacity? Mine is 8'6", but they come up to 10', too.

Erik Loza
01-10-2015, 10:52 PM
Dave and Jim are right: They are essentially the same machine. The current version has a 10.5' slider rather than 8.5'. As far as new vs. used, that's a question only the buyer can answer.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

rodrigo sosa
01-11-2015, 8:50 AM
Thank you everybody, basically same saw so being the case makes sense to look which one had an easier ride until now
thanks again


rodrigo sosa
01-12-2015, 9:37 AM
This week im making the decision, checked for new machines prices and basically this is my chance to get the saw at really a fraction of the cost, under half of it locally
I know both are supposed to be the same saw, there seems to be a firm consensus on this, just that... i 'looked' under the hood from service manuals and is it me or the older tecnomax used a lil more iron here and there? like more rugged but just marginal?
Take a look at the scorer unit from the tecnomax
and now the scorer of the minimax

Am I being too picky? or does this confirm at some point that the tecnomax was more towards the industrial side only if by just a little?


David Kumm
01-12-2015, 10:18 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if older is a little heavier but no real proof. Are both sliders the same length? Longer is always better if you have the room. I'd take the 10 vs an 8.5 if condition is similar and parts are all there. Dave

Erik Loza
01-12-2015, 11:27 AM
I've sold A LOT of both the older as well as the newer versions of the S315 and honestly cannot remember any customer ever having an issue with the scoring system. Or any part on the machine, for that matter. Mostly pro shops, as a matter of fact. An S315 will run pretty much forever if you take good care of it.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Peter Kelly
01-12-2015, 12:12 PM
This week im making the decision, checked for new machines prices and basically this is my chance to get the saw at really a fraction of the cost, under half of it locally
I know both are supposed to be the same saw, there seems to be a firm consensus on this, just that... i 'looked' under the hood from service manuals and is it me or the older tecnomax used a lil more iron here and there? like more rugged but just marginal?
Take a look at the scorer unit from the tecnomax
and now the scorer of the minimax

Am I being too picky? or does this confirm at some point that the tecnomax was more towards the industrial side only if by just a little?

RodrigoIt would be a selling point if one had a dedicated scoring motor and one didn't.

rodrigo sosa
01-12-2015, 3:06 PM
It would be a selling point if one had a dedicated scoring motor and one didn't.
Peter, both have independent scoring motors, it is true that both are basically the same machine.
I spoke over the phone today with seller to arrange the pickup and he was also concerned the tecnomax had a bit more iron inside. He said same HP on the engines and length of table, thus everything indicates the tecnomax is 'my' way to go
it's just a feeling that a more rugged machine will last longer, will it? in reality I don't know, but if its there at same price, then heck, i'll go for it :D

thanks again everybody for all the heads up and comments, really appreciate it and its good to see such feedback from you guys on a newcomer as me

Erik Loza
01-12-2015, 3:30 PM
Rodrigo, are you guys on 60Hz down there?

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

rodrigo sosa
01-12-2015, 3:42 PM
50 Hz Erik

Rodrigo, are you guys on 60Hz down there?

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Erik Loza
01-12-2015, 3:49 PM
The motors on these machines will be 60Hz, FYI....

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

rodrigo sosa
01-12-2015, 3:53 PM
Why do you say so? From the manuals there are both 50 and 60 hz versions

The motors on these machines will be 60Hz, FYI....

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Erik Loza
01-12-2015, 4:01 PM
Why do you say so? From the manuals there are both 50 and 60 hz versions

Are both the machines you are talking about coming from the US? If so, they are going to be 60Hz. Maybe I misunderstood you though.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Peter Kelly
01-12-2015, 4:05 PM
That could certainly be an issue.

rodrigo sosa
01-12-2015, 4:25 PM
Are both the machines you are talking about coming from the US? If so, they are going to be 60Hz. Maybe I misunderstood you though.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA
Afaik both two are European versions
You have an important point on the Hz thing though, thank you

Erik Loza
01-12-2015, 4:54 PM
Sorry, I must have been mixed up and thought they were coming from the US.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Ralph Butts
01-12-2015, 5:24 PM
I've sold A LOT of both the older as well as the newer versions of the S315 and honestly cannot remember any customer ever having an issue with the scoring system. Or any part on the machine, for that matter. Mostly pro shops, as a matter of fact. An S315 will run pretty much forever if you take good care of it.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

I purchased one of the newer ones last year no problems with the scoring system or any other part of the saw for that fact.

Erik Loza
01-12-2015, 5:40 PM
I purchased one of the newer ones last year no problems with the scoring system or any other part of the saw for that fact.

The S315 is kind of like the Glock pistol of the slider world. No matter what you do them, they seem to keep on running. SCM has really not changed the design over the years. Some parts get bigger, some get smaller but it's the same basic machine since the early 2000's.

Erik Loza
Minimax USA

Larry Edgerton
01-12-2015, 6:02 PM
The S315 is kind of like the Glock pistol of the slider world. No matter what you do them, they seem to keep on running.
Erik Loza
Minimax USA

So the safety does not always work? ;)