View Full Version : 8000x Imanishi Ceramic Stone

paul cottingham
01-08-2015, 12:57 PM
Ok, let's try again, and I'll try not to be as obtuse as before. I am seriously considering an Imanishi 8000 Ceramic stone. Anyone have any strong opinions of this stone? I am replacing a king 8000 that I am increasingly frustrated by. My other option is a 13000 Sigma Power Select II to go after my King.

Any opinions on the better route to go? I realize I am going around in circles here, but I am under "pressure" from someone who wants to buy it for me for my birthday. Tough problem.


Tom M King
01-08-2015, 1:18 PM
Get the 13, and you'll never "need" a better, or finer one. The only question will be how many strokes will it take you to get to a mirror polish after whatever other stone it follows. You can certainly get by with the King, but as you found out, it gets a bit aggravating.

Matthew N. Masail
01-08-2015, 2:00 PM
I must disagree with Tom, I had the 13k sigma, it will not make the jump from a 1k, and you will spend a lot of time working the blade. if you have a 4k or so to get the blade sharp, then improve it with the 13k then the 13k will give a super edge, but if your going 1k -> 8k, you should get the Imanishi. it's very likely to be much better than your king 8k, and could be very good stone in it's own right. the only reason you cannot for the life of you (-: get a recommendation for it, is because 99% of creekers use something more well known, but that dosen't mean it's not just as good as others. If you do try it, please let us know.

Tom M King
01-08-2015, 2:14 PM
I must not have been clear. I thought he would keep the King 8,000 for now, and that the question was whether it would be better to get a replacement for the 8,000 King, or get the 13 to add to what he has. Out of the existing choices, I was thinking it would be better to get the 13 now, and replace the 8k later.

paul cottingham
01-08-2015, 2:30 PM
My question is whether I would be better to just get the Imanishi 8000 and call it a day, and sell or give away my king, or keep my king and add the sigma to my regime.

I grind and hone my tools on a Viel belt grinder. I am looking for polishing stones, and am trying to decide which is the best way to go. I have really bad neuropathy in my hands, so try to keep hand sharpening to a minimum, but really believe I get better edges polishing them by hand.

thanks again.

Curt Putnam
01-08-2015, 2:43 PM
Were it me, I'd keep the King and add the 13K stone. I love that stone. Know nothing about the Imanishi. I find that finishing at 13K vs 8K makes a difference.

Matthew N. Masail
01-08-2015, 4:30 PM
Paul, if I may ask you why you go for such a high level of finish if it's hard for you to free hand? I mean by that, that sharpening on extra stones to that level takes more effort, while I sharpen to 3-4k and then strop - takes very little effort. I can do anything with my edges that you could with a 13k extra step, and I have owned a 10K Gokomyo which is probably THE BEST 10k stone (1 micron) I have ever used (and I've used a lot), it also costs about 180$. still, I sold it and don't sharpen past a 3-4k stone, because it's not necessary. under your circumstance, I would buy the 4K imanishi (because it's faster) and drop the king, learn to use a light touch, which might be helpful for you anyway, and you can get edges as good as any for woodworking. when I used oil stones I discovered that we hype up the grit and little more than the practical necessity.

paul cottingham
01-08-2015, 6:41 PM
Matthew, that is a good thought. I do employ a pretty light touch, just about the only steel I have trouble getting a really refined edge on is o1. But my King is pretty spongy, I had a friend describe them as muddy, and I'm sure I can get a better, more durable (that's the big issue) edge with a better stone.

loml settled it for me today, she handed me a box this am, and said happy birthday! In the box was an 8000 Imanishi. I'll report back once I have beat on it a bit.