View Full Version : Saw Stop Owners. Simple Question

Jay Jolliffe
01-05-2015, 4:39 PM
I am the only one that works in my shop. Does it do any harm leaving the main power switch on all the time ?

Allen Bantly
01-05-2015, 4:56 PM
I am the only one that works in my shop. Does it do any harm leaving the main power switch on all the time ?

Jay, I use one at work I have one of my own and a third that I use working at a local
school. The school leaves theirs on constantly and mine I occasionally turn off if I know I'll be away for some time. I have not experienced any problem leaving them on.

Kevin Womer
01-05-2015, 5:19 PM
Personally, I haven't tried leaving it on when I am out of the shop. Probably can't hurt anything, but I often have children nearby so I err on the side of caution and turn it off and unplug it. It is like leaving a light on all the time for me when I leave the room to me, seems like a waste of electricity, but leave it on when I am in the shop and using the tablesaw that day.

Peter Aeschliman
01-05-2015, 5:33 PM
I leave mine on full time. No problems yet. I actually never considered it, so maybe I should look at my owners manual!

Ellen Benkin
01-05-2015, 6:09 PM
I was taught to always lower the blade and turn off the saw so that's what I do when I'm finished using it.

Wade Lippman
01-05-2015, 7:26 PM
I asked SS. They said leaving it on was fine.

John Coloccia
01-05-2015, 8:02 PM
I don't leave it on deliberately, but most of the time I forget and it's been known to stay on for weeks and months at a time until I happen to remember when I'm closing down for the evening.

Scott Brihn
01-05-2015, 8:39 PM
I turn mine off every time I leave the shop.

Robert Chapman
01-05-2015, 8:40 PM
Mine has been on for over 2 years - no problem and my utility company thinks it's a good idea. I think that if you turn it off when you turn it back on it has to go thru a cycle which takes a little while before the saw will function.

J.R. Rutter
01-05-2015, 10:21 PM
Mine has been on almost continuously for about 5 years.

Shawn Pixley
01-05-2015, 10:24 PM
Like John, I forget and it can stay on for a couple of days. No issues...

Keith Hankins
01-05-2015, 10:26 PM
For me, I leave mine on mostly because I forget to cut it off. :) No issues, other than using juice. Have a good one!

Mike Heidrick
01-07-2015, 1:14 AM
I try and remember to shut mine off when i leave.

John Schweikert
01-07-2015, 1:26 AM
I turn mine off when I leave the shop but I also turn off the power switch and unplug when changing blades. Maybe that's overkill but I've already had a table saw injury, I do not plan on any more.

David Ragan
01-07-2015, 7:19 PM
You mean the main power switch down on the side that lets current come to paddle box? I shut that one off most of the time when I leave shop for few days to go to my real job.

I always shut off the little toggle on the front just to get me to formally power it up to give me the right mind set to operate it.

Ray Newman
01-07-2015, 8:57 PM
I always unplug my equipment when done. Area I live in periodically experiences power outages and power surges. I don't even want to think about dealing with the power company and the replacement cost for seven 2 HP+ electric motors, especially since they are all made-in-the-USofA motors....