View Full Version : Mounting Delta Splitter on Contractors Saw

Corey Hallagan
07-21-2005, 12:04 PM
Hello all. I just received my Splitter ($30.00 one) from Delta or the Dewalt Service center for the Delta Contractors saw. I need advise from those that have done this operation, Isee how the splitter is assembled, however I don't understand how the splitter mounting bracket is to be mounted in side the saw. The photos show it being mounted on a unisaw not the contractors saw. I don't see how the mounting holes on the bracket will work with the saw, but maybe i am just not getting the whole picture here. Do any of the parts on the original splitter mounting get removed? BTW, do you consider a contractors saw a right tilt saw or left tilt?


Frankie Hunt
07-21-2005, 4:53 PM
Hey Corey,

I went out to the shop and took some pictures for you. I have the splitter on my Unisaw. Your contractors saw is probably a right tilt. (raise the blade, when you crank the tilt from 0 degrees to 45 degrees the top of the blade moves to the left in a left tilt saw, it moves to the right in a right tilt saw). My contractors saw is a right tilt (I think that is all Delta ever made, but I am not certain). My Unisaw is a left tilt.

The splitter will work on either type saw. If you use it on a right tilt you assemble it one way. If you use it on a left tilt you assemble it another way. You also use a different set of holes on the two saws. One word of caution, the little inserts are a different size, pay particular attention to that detail.

As I have a sliding table on my Unisaw, I took off the anti-kickback pawls. I also ground off their mounting tab.

These pictures are of my left tilt unisaw with the splitter installed.

I didn't realize it was so dirty down there!


Frankie Hunt
07-21-2005, 4:57 PM
Here is a close look at my contractors saw. I dont have a splitter on it, but you can see the 2 holes where the splitter would attach.

Yes, you need to remove the original guard. (Mine was removed about a dozen years ago)

Make your contractors saw look just like the inside of mine in these photos, then install your splitter.

I hope these help you. Feel free to pm me, or to email me.

Please excuse my dirty blades:rolleyes:


Corey Hallagan
07-21-2005, 5:26 PM
Frankie, most helpful and thank you for taking the time to post the photos. A picture like those are worth a 1000 words... or more. I think i need to assemble it so the knob is on the other side then your is then. It looks to me like the screws that are the adjustment screws on the old splitter mounting are the wholes the holes for the new splitter mounting. Looks like it uses the right side holes in the mounting plate.
This will no doubt help! Thanks again,


Frankie Hunt
07-21-2005, 6:07 PM
You need to assemble it just the opposite of mine. I think you would use the 2 holes on the right side of the bracket, not one on each side. Also remember that the silver inserts are a different size. Perhaps the screws are different too, I cant remember.

When you go to align it. Just snug them up to where the bracket will not move too freely, but it will be moveable some. Then install the splitter, and put your saw blade back on your saw. You can then use a ruler (use your tri-square with the head removed) to adjust the position of the splitter. It is adjusted both left and right, and its tilt angle. Adjusting to the saw blade is much easier than adjusting to the arbor.

Put some masking tape on the saw blade to cover up the teeth when you do this. Not all the way around, just where your hand/arm will touch when tightening down the screws. DAMHIKT

You then tighten down everything and recheck.

If you have medium to large hands this is not real easy, but not too bad either. I just cant imagine working inside someones mouth like a dentist does.


Todd Davidson
07-21-2005, 6:10 PM
Corey~ I have the same splitter on the same saw as yours. Let me know if your're still having difficulties and I'll post some pictures of mine. Heck, I'll even take the splitter apart and reinstall with a photo play by play if it'll help :D .

Corey Hallagan
07-21-2005, 6:22 PM
Thanks Todd and fFrank. I think Frank is right and he responded while i was changing my response. It would be the right side holes I am sure now. The bushings and the button head bolts are both differen, the thinner and longer ones get used on the contractors saw I am pretty sure. Thanks again guys! Todd, I certainly don't want you to disassemble. I just couldn't visualize it but looks like now that you have to remove what I guess is actually the mounting for the old splittler by taking out the screws that used the allen wrench. Sound right Todd?


Todd Davidson
07-21-2005, 6:32 PM
Correct Corey, remove the old splitter assembly and mount the new one in its place using the holes on the right flange of the splitter - that is if you're facing the assembly from the front of the saw (the knob for the new splitter will be on the left). I'll post a couple pics in a couple minutes.

Todd Davidson
07-21-2005, 6:39 PM
Maybe these will help.... Will post some with the splitter removed if that'll help.

Tim Morton
07-21-2005, 7:04 PM
Hey corey...I have the same splitter on my delta contractor saw...let me know if you are still in need of answers or pictures...I followed the intructions from the beisemeyer page and had no trouble, other than trying to align it after it was mounted. It is possible to assemble it backwards if i remember correctly...so be careful. Looks like you got lots of great advice already, but like i said...if you need anything let me know.

Corey Hallagan
07-21-2005, 10:40 PM
Thanks Frank, Todd and Tim, if I can't get it after this I shouldn't be allowed near the saw :) Appreciate the help guys. I printed the beismeyer directions off at work today and was trying to figure it out there. Thanks again for all the photos.


Frankie Hunt
07-27-2005, 2:55 PM
Hey Corey,

Did you get the splitter installed?

Remember, You need to prove it with pictures. ;)


Corey Hallagan
07-27-2005, 6:14 PM
Nope, ended up having to travel this last weekend to a soccer tourney for the daughter and besides that it was 103 & 104 temps here on sat and sund. Hope to get it done on sunday. Today it is a beautiful 76 degrees in the heartland!! Hopefully this weekend and photos indeed Frankie!

George Cooper
02-02-2008, 2:27 PM
Problem. When I mount the bracket for the splitter into the two wholes in the trunion, the splitter is tilted to the right ; it is at 84 degrees, not 90 degrees.
The screw holes do not line up vertically. Is this a mfg. fault or does it mean that the trunion is out of adjustment?
George Cooper

Mike Marcade
02-02-2008, 4:08 PM
Here is a link to the instructions if anyone needs it:


Also those mounting holes in the splitter are oversize so you can adjust the angle for your saw. It will take some fiddling to get it right.

Here is another page dedicated to this mod with a downloable set of instructions:


George Cooper
02-03-2008, 2:26 PM
False alarm! I had the splitter bracket mounted for a left tilt saw; mine is right tilt saw. Problem solved. Installation instructions could be improved .