View Full Version : First pens... spalted elm

Ernie Nyvall
07-21-2005, 6:15 AM
With the extra help of John Hart above and beyond the call of SMC, I made my first pens. Thanks John... a new obsession within the obsession. The first one, on the right took a while ( felt like I was all thumbs) and has some ridges meeting the metal parts, but the second two came out smoother and a little faster each time. Critiques welcome. Thanks for looking.


Dick Parr
07-21-2005, 7:42 AM
Very nice Ernie! :)

Those are some fine looking pens. If you had not pointed out that they are your first I would not have known.

That is some beautiful wood and shape in all 3 pens.

Wonderful job. ;)

Kurt Aebi
07-21-2005, 7:47 AM

Like your other turning endeavors - these are very good!

You'll get the knack for getting the edges flush with the hardware as you do more and more. THese are very nice, indeed!

Good Job! Now you got to try some turned centerbands and other modifications to the slimline pen - check out Russ Fairfield's Pen-making site for some real good tips and ideas: http://www.woodturnerruss.com/Pen10.html

Check it out and have fun with these pens - they are very addictive!

Bill Stevener
07-21-2005, 10:52 AM
Hi Ernie,

Great looking pens, your going to give John a run for the money now;) .

Really lQQk nice, Bill.>>>>>>>>>>:)

Keith Burns
07-21-2005, 2:45 PM
I wish my first pens looked that good. I think my first ended up in someones garbage can! Anyway you did a fine job. Soon you will be making 10 or 20 a day and trying to explain to your wife where all the money went.

"I'm tired of being arm candy for my wife"

Michael Stafford
07-21-2005, 3:23 PM
Well, Ernie now you have gone and done it. You have embarked on one of the most addictive forms of woodturning. Between now and Christmas I can hardly wait to hear how many new pen kit styles and total pens you turn. I still love turning pens. Have fun and keep up the good work!

Ernie Nyvall
07-21-2005, 6:02 PM
Thanks all for your kind comments. Mike, it is going to be tough going on a mini vacation/reunion this weekend. I really want to get out there and do a few more pens. But hey, I might be able to pick up a tree while I'm there, so that has me torn a bit in that direction. Thanks for the site Kurt. Looks like a good one and I'll read it when I get back.

Question... Can you use a mandrel from one company to turn pens from a different company? I know many have 7mm mandrels, but with all things not being equal with different tollerences and all, I was wondering if any of you have crossed that bridge.

Thanks again, Ernie

Bruce Shiverdecker
07-21-2005, 11:11 PM
The ONLY CRITICISM I HAVE IS.................................You haven't sent me some of the LUSHOUS ELM!

Very Nice.


John Hart
07-22-2005, 7:01 AM
Hey Ernie!!! Great job!....Sorry, I've been out for a while and didn't see this til this morning. I'm afraid you're giving me too much credit though. As I recall, I only helped with with what all the tooling junk is for!!:) I believe the craftmanship is all you my friend. Nice set of pens...beautiful wood.

John Hart
07-22-2005, 7:09 AM
Oh...I forgot to mention. The guys at Berea Hardwoods told me that you kinda have to get a feel for the bushing thickness as they are all a little oversized at the start and wear down a little over time. Once you get this "feel", you get a better flush fit of the wood to the hardware. It is also my understanding that the kits from other manufacturers will fit your mandrel just fine. I haven't tried anyone else's yet but there sure is a big selection out there.

Jim Ketron
07-22-2005, 8:20 AM
Great Job Ernie!

Kurt Aebi
07-22-2005, 9:10 AM

I have 7mm mandrels from Penn State Industries and have used them with kits from Berea, PSI and Hut so far without any problems.

Can't say for sure if it will work that way with other manufacturer's mandrels, but I can relay what has worked for me.

Ernie - I love to try different woods from different parts of the trees and vines and shrubs. Right now I have a branch from a "Burning Bush" drying and will be trying to make a pen & pencil set for my neighbor that gave it to me. I'll post how it turns out - good or bad!

Have a great mini-vacation and look forward to your next project.